Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Putting the DICK Back in Dictator

Image result for Michael Bloomberg

Just when you sort of stopped wondering about Michael Bloomberg's sanity...he goes out and PROVES he really, REALLY is insane. (…/bloomberg-defends-china-xi-j…)

The truly frightening thing about this is, "HOW many other members of America's political-media class think the SAME way?" I'm betting...a LOT.

On the September 27th airing of Firing Line, former New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg made the odd assertion that China's President Xi Jinping is "not a dictator" and insisted the Chinese Communist Party listens to its constituents.

The comments come in the wake of the former New York mayor's announcement of an economic forum in Beijing this November.

Bloomberg defended China's ruling communist regime citing its handling of pollution and environmental policy, claiming that it is responding to the needs of citizens. The former Mayor's comments come amid months of violent protest in Hong Kong and international outcry about the oppression of Chinese Muslims.

"The Communist Party wants to stay in power in China and they listen to the public," Bloomberg said. "When the public says ‘I can't breathe the air,' Xi Jinping is not a dictator. He has to satisfy his constituents, or he's not going to survive."

"He's not a dictator?" Hoover asked, incredulously. "He doesn't have a vote, he doesn't have a democracy. He's not held accountable by voters. Is the check on him just a revolution?"

"No," replied Bloomberg, "he has a constituency to answer to. You're not going to have a revolution. No government survives without the will of the majority of its people."

Hmmmm, ever hear of Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, or Mao tse Tung? They didn't respond to the will of the people AND they were very adept at ferreting out..."dissidents" and "agitators."

No participatory democratic process. CHECK

No Constitution to rein in government. CHECK

Autocratic control. CHECK

Yup, that's a dictatorship alright.

Which all goes to prove that Mike Bloomberg is just a DICK!

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