In his article, “The Nationalist Surprise” (https://spectator.us/nationalist-surprise/…) that correctly begins, “The movement is beginning because conventional politics is at an end,” Dan McCarthy goes on to make the all too obvious point; “How many times do pundits with conventional sensibilities have to be surprised before they twig to their own blindness? They were surprised by BREXIT. They were surprised by Donald Trump. And now, while they’re distracted by Donald Trump’s latest tweets, they’re setting themselves up to be surprised by another nationalist miracle — the wholesale replacement of the decrepit conservative movement by a new national conservatism.”
In his article, “The Nationalist Surprise” (https://spectator.us/nationalist-surprise/…) that correctly begins, “The movement is beginning because conventional politics is at an end,” Dan McCarthy goes on to make the all too obvious point; “How many times do pundits with conventional sensibilities have to be surprised before they twig to their own blindness? They were surprised by BREXIT. They were surprised by Donald Trump. And now, while they’re distracted by Donald Trump’s latest tweets, they’re setting themselves up to be surprised by another nationalist miracle — the wholesale replacement of the decrepit conservative movement by a new national conservatism.”
McCarthy is right to be tuned into this new Nationalism that rejects the Imperialist aims of Anglo-American Globalism.
The rest of the world has rejected the American dream of an “Americanized world,” and FINALLY many Americans are too.
Dan McCarthy ends with the truth, “The old, post-Cold War order of weak borders, straitjacketed free-trade ideology, and endless war for utopian ideological objectives is rapidly failing, and what will replace it has already begun to arise. This week’s National Conservatism gathering was both a sign of that and a catalyst for the further transformation of the American right.”
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