Monday, September 23, 2019

Yet Another Flawed Meme...

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, text

Funny story...maybe not so funny, the message of this meme has ALWAYS been and REMAINS UNIVERSALLY TRUE among all humans. It's just NOT true in the way this meme makes out.

In fact, Asia, the Arab-Muslim world and Africa are all far MORE xenophobic than the West.

That tribalism/xenophobia is the nature of always has been.

Thomas Jefferson believed that Jesus was a "great philosopher." I would add, "an impractical one."

Jesus said, "Treat others as you'd want to be treated."

The "best" humanity can seem to muster is treating people "the way they treat us."

Jesus said, "Before you would remove the splinter from your neighbor's eye, first remove the mote/pole from out your own."

Most humans insist on looking OUTWARD and criticizing their own OTHERS.

That's why I'm no longer a "Progressive" (I was...way, WAY back in College). I've both grown up and read voraciously (educating MYSELF) since then.

Today I think entirely independently and often piss off many people on both sides, as a result.

I've seen the judgmentalism of religious "Conservatives," but, in my view, it actually pales in comparison to the sanctimonious, self-righteousness on the Left.

One thing that Jesus character got right is that there's no path forward in looking outward, criticizing others and seeing those we disagree with as "enemies" instead of as fellow searchers.

That is something most people tend to do, but nowhere is it done as recklessly, thoughtlessly and maliciously as it is with today's Left.

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