Monday, September 23, 2019

THIS (Below) is Perhaps the Dumbest Meme EVER!

Both men are irreligious.

I'm irreligious too, so that's not an insult coming from me.

The reason so many Leftists/Globalists have lost there minds is a very simple one. They don't seem to understand where all this opposition to everything they hold dear is coming from.

Why has Nationalism become resurgent around the globe? Why are so many deriding multiculturalism in Europe and America?

NOT because of Trump, nor even Bannon! They merely tapped into an existing passionate hatred of Globalism/One Worldism that's long existed in the people.

The world has changed.

The triggering event for the West was the migrant crisis in Europe, especially the "Rape of Cologne," and the rape epidemic in Sweden, which have made the argument against multiculturalism without words.

THANKFULLY (for us opponents), NO ONE has ever made a compelling argument FOR Globalism/One Worldism & multiculturalism, nor for Marxism's "Share and share alike" viewpoint. Its adherents have always foolishly believed those things are "self evident," so are now too lazy to make arguments for them.

Its opponents have always known, "NOTHING is self-evident," so they've always felt they had to make compelling arguments FOR Nationalism and AGAINST Globalism & multiculturalism.

THAT IS why the "we are the world" crowd are losing...and can't understand why.

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