Wednesday, April 17, 2019

THIS is Racism...

Image result for Joacine Katar Moreira
Joacine Katar Moreira

This is the face of the new, "accepted" racism/bigotry in the West.

Joacine Katar Moreira an African woman running for the EU Parliament in Portugal states, "Europe is not white."

WHY is that racist?

WHERE'S the bigotry in THAT?

Imagine then, a Chilean immigrant running for office in Ghana (as if that could happen), claiming, "Sub-Saharan Africa is NOT black."

Imagine a blonde, English woman running for office in China saying, "China is NOT Asian and there can be no democracy in China until ethnic minorities (like the English blonde) are engaged in Chinese government."

Those images are absurd, right?

Just as absurd as Joacine Katar Moreira running for political office in Europe, which is as "WHITE," as Sub-Saharan Africa is "BLACK."

The Muslim invasion of Europe serves s purpose and was planned.

It has turned once Liberal, tolerant Europe inward. A growing Nationalism, along with a more worrisome intolerance is spreading across Europe. Nationalism is acknowledging the value of different cultures, ethnicities, heritages. There is nothing innately intolerant about that kind of Nationalism.  Ironically enough, the Globalism/One Worldism that has been predominant in the West until recently sews the seeds of discord in its seeing the cultural and ethnic diversity of mankind as a threat, or at least "a barrier to unity."

Other regions are in the grip of that same worrisome intolerance. South Africa is threatening its white population. It's NOT that South Africa wants to expel them, in fact, despite the fact that Ukraine, New Zealand and other countries are willing to take in South Africa's whites, that country DOES NOT want to allow the whites there to leave.

All of this is part of some larger plan.
What the ultimate end game is, remains unknown to those of just living in the pool, not managing it.

My wife, born and raised in Jamaica, visited Paris with me, some 18 months ago and was distressed at the number of African street peddlers there.

"How much money do you think they earn, doing that," she asked.

"I have no idea," I responded, "Not much, I'd guess."

Then she said, "They don't belong here. When I visit France I want to see French people and French culture."

I thought about that and, while I did agree, I'd still found that view puzzling coming from her. Then, I realized that she no more wanted the face and culture of France to change, then she'd want to see the face and culture of Jamaica change.

I feel that same way...about BOTH places.

A few months back she'd spoken of a co-worker at her accounting firm, here from Nigeria, who'd said pretty much what John Cleese has said about London, England. Her co-worker said, "When I go back to vist Lagos, I no longer recognize the city I was born in." Sub-Saharan Africa has been flooded with Chinese immigrants over the past 10 years, or so.

EVERYONE respects their culture.

NO ONE happily welcomes demographic and cultural change. It's dislocating and can be jarring to those who've grown up immersed in that original culture.

I think EVERY existing culture in the world is vital, as well. Different people, from different groups, with different cultures, often think differently, increasing the possibility of mankind finding more potential solutions to some of life's most vexing problems and challenges.

A more unified and ultimately more homogeneous globe would eradicate those differences and, in turn, eradicate those valuable, different perspectives.

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