Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Candace Owens Humiliates Gerald Nadler and Ted Lieu...


GREAT clip!

Candace Owens says, "Mr. Lieu must think black people are stupid."

Gerald Nadler interrupts her, warning her over "disparaging members of the Committee," adding, "You called Rep. Lieu stupid," which, of course...she DID NOT.

Candace Owens is an educated Nationalist.

She understands perfectly well that WWII was fought and won by NATIONALIST England, France and the U.S. AGAINST imperialist/Globalist Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

Ms. Owens is right that BOTH Nationalism and Globalism are deliberately mis-defined today. Global trade, an orderly process for the free movement of people, goods and services is vital, but that's NOT "Globalism." In fact, those things, especially interNATIONAL trade, are more in line with Nationalism.

Today, "Globalism" is used as a euphemism for Imperialism, specifically for "Anglo-American Imperialism," which has the goal of remaking the world over in modern America's and England's image.

Nationalism respects the natural diversity of mankind and the importance of culture, language, heritage and borders, because differing viewpoints give different groups varying perspectives, increasing the chances of finding solutions to problems that may stymie the rest of the world.

Ms. Owens is honest because she CAN be honest, as the facts are on her side.

Gerald Nadler and Ted Lieu CAN'T be honest because the facts are NOT on theirs.

This is a VERY telling exchange...

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