Milton Friedman
I came across THIS the other day and it's utter lack of thought intrigued me;
"We need to bring trillionaires/billionaires to the guillotines because it is THEY who should be paying the panhandlers." (Marcy H.)
Marcy, the wealthy don't create poverty, any more than fit people create obesity.
Most people don't understand economics, nor how systems work.
For instance, Jeff Bezos hasn't, "Taken too much wealth, depriving others of their fair share," in fact, Jeff Bezos HASN'T taken ANY wealth out of the system at all. In reality, he's created 50X, or more wealth than he himself is worth.
I say that, despite strongly disliking and vehemently disagreeing with Jeff Bezos Leftist political views, as mouthpieced by the Washington Post.
In truth, it's the panhandlers and healthy, "poor" people who, absent the ability to invent new products and start new businesses, don't throw themselves into mines, or trucking, or any of the many other arduous tasks that constantly need new workers after using up the youth of the current crop, that are the "takers." They..."the poor," OWE.
They owe the machinery of industrialization their youth, their health their lives....we all do. It comes with being a willing participant in modern society.
I've long supported the "Binary Choice" Plan...WORK, or INSTITUTION (prison). Those unemployed, living in low employment areas, like NY, CA, NJ, etc would be assigned work, wherever they're needed. A poor person from New York might be assigned a job in a mine in rural Nevada. It'd be like getting drafted into Military Service, if you refuse, you're sent to prison, under such conditions, as to incentivize your taking the job you're assigned.
Freedom is a good thing, perhaps the greatest thing, but in the modern welfare state, it is too often abused.
What is needed, is a means to...incentivizing work and punishing sloth. A means to guiding people to the right and productive choice.
The response from Marcy H was, "They do. You're brainwashed and suffer from Stockholm Syndrome at the very least. You're not alone, so there is company in this abject ignorance of how things work."
Generally I DON'T suffer fools gladly, but today, with so many people having been miseducated, well, it's worth trying to reach out and light that candle to light the darkness.
So, I responded, "Innovators and entrepreneurs are the ONLY force that creates wealth.
"Government plays NO PART in wealth creation, NOR jobs creation. Government action is a wealth destroyer, or SPENDER.
"Appx. 18% of Americans work for local, state or federal government. They work in POSITIONS, not JOBS.
"A public school teacher, or Municipal salary is ENTIRELY a COST to taxpayers.
"A JOB, creates marketable goods and services. Private enterprise and the COMMERCE it generates creates all the JOBS in this country and tax revenues from those JOBS and enterprises fuel all our government spending, including the salaries, pensions and benefits for all those POSITIONS, as well as all other government spending.
"All of that is just basic economics.
"Western Marxists are generally extremely well off and out of touch with economic reality. They tend to be corpulent (that's fat) people, who tend to be lazy thinkers, as well.
"The GOOD NEWS is, it's never too late to get fit, mentally AND physically.
"Economics is a very accessible topic.
"One of the very best at imparting economic sense is the late, Milton Friedman. Here's Part 1 of his 10 Part Series "Free to Choose" (
"WARNING: Nazis, Marxists and other anti freedom types are often triggered by these ideas."
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