Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Interesting Video as Bill Maher's Support for "Principle," as in Unfettered Free Speech Triggers Guests...



Free speech has been under attack for a long time, in America. Ironically enough, it's been primarily confined to College campuses.

Now the media is embracing the idea that "offensive," "controversial" and "unpopular" speech should be responded to with violence.

Shows like "The Good Fight," lionize that view and on Bill Maher's show, guests strongly supported that view as well, rebuffing Maher's support for defending basic principles, like freedom of expression.

The 1st Amendment was written specifically to protect controversial, offensive, unpopular, even seditious speech, as all of America's Founders were guilty of sedition before the Revolution, and treason, once they signed the Declaration of Independence.

There WAS a time when America's Left supported unfettered free speech. That was when the Left DIDN'T want Marxists and other Collectivist voices silenced.

That is no longer the case. Now that far Left views predominate in our media and among political "Progressives," they no longer support freedom of expression for those who disagree.

That's why America's Left no longer holds any claim to any "moral high ground."

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