The overriding problem with Islamic culture is its rigid cultural/religious intolerance, which is something more indicative of a cult than a religion.
That's one of the problems with the West's "War on Terror" - it vaguely defines the enemy as "radical Islam," with an emphasis on "radical," when it SHOULD be on "Islam."
Terrorism is a legitimate military tactic.
It is merely "unconventional warfare waged, primarily, against civilian targets." That is a natural and often necessary part of war.
It is merely "unconventional warfare waged, primarily, against civilian targets." That is a natural and often necessary part of war.
America's Minutemen DID indeed wage a “terrorist (unconventional warfare) campaign” against the British in the Americas, as DID the Jews in the Palestine region (some of that now Israel) do that to the British in the 1940s Mideast.
"Terrorism" is NOT the issue, or the problem...it is merely a manifestation of a far greater, REAL problem. In the latter cases, the will of Mideast Jews and American Colonists for their own self determination and homelands, while on so-called "radical Islam's" part, it's more akin to the terror waged by other racist or racialist groups like the KKK or the Nation Of Islam (Black Muslims), or the Aryan Nation, or the Black Panthers.
There is absolutely NO/ZERO moral equivalence between terror waged by those fighting for their independence and self determination and that waged in support of racial or cultural hatred....and yet THAT is what the American far-Left has continually insisted on trying to do - make a moral equivalence where none exists.
THAT has been one of the greatest failures of the Bush administration – failing to adequately and accurately identify and define the enemy in this War on Terrorism.
If the current administration maintains that failed policy, it could wind up having some very dire consequences not too far down the road.
THAT has been one of the greatest failures of the Bush administration – failing to adequately and accurately identify and define the enemy in this War on Terrorism.
If the current administration maintains that failed policy, it could wind up having some very dire consequences not too far down the road.
well said indeed!have a fabulous, blessed holiday my friend!:)
And you too Angel!
God bless.
I had never really thought of it this way before. Radical Islamism is the way I thought of it. Well put my friend, and I hope that you and yours had a very Merry Christmas, and will have a very happy, Prosperous and blessed New Year.
And I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, dude!
"I had never really thought of it this way before. Radical Islamism is the way I thought of it." (Robert)
Well, that's how the media AND the Bush administration have framed it, Robert, so as not to fuel an anti-Muslim, anti-Arab backlash, here in the U.S.
Utter nonsense.
This failing to adequately name the enemy in the WoT puts us all at further and increased risk.
Terrorism is a military tactic.
The Mumbai terrorists were all trained Pakistani Intelligence agents.
Terrorism can be justified or unjustified.
In the case of the American Minutemen it was justified.
In the case of the KKK and our current day Islamic extremists, it is NOT.
In linking the jihadists to our own Minutmen, a segment of anti-American scum are equating justified terrorism (for independence and self-determination) with unjustifiable racist terorrism.
THANKS Seane-Anna and I did have a GREAT Christmas!
The first one in recent memory where I wasn't working at least part of the Christmas Eve/Christmas Day events.
hope you had a good holiday!
Who would have ever thought that the only thing that was needed to get the illegal aliens out was to destroy the U.S economy. Wow, that was so easy a cave man could have done it lol
Those who look upon terrorism as the answer have often been ignored after years of attempting to draw attention to their problems by less lethal means.
Well thank you, God of Bacon, for revealing the REAL cause of terrorism: being ignored!
"I'm not gonna be IGNORED, Dan!"
From stalking to terrorism, being ignored justifies everything. Who woulda thunk it?!
Thanks Rachel!
It was the FIRST in over a decade that I was off for the entire Christmas Holiday - the Eve through Christmas night....and it felt GREAT!
Thanks Rachel!
It was the FIRST in over a decade that I was off for the entire Christmas Holiday - the Eve through Christmas night....and it felt GREAT!
It IS amazing how the declining economy has eroded ILLEGAL immigration. Of course it would be better if we actually adhered to "the rule of law" which all Liberals claim as their "Holy Grail."
"Those who look upon terrorism as the answer have often been ignored after years of attempting to draw attention to their problems by less lethal means." (GoB)
Actually, terrorism is a military tactic.
America's revolutionaries used it effectively, as did the Israelis in ousting the British from the Palestine territories after WW II.
The KKK, the NOI, ALF and ELF have also used terrorism to advance EVIL - racial hatred (KKK & NOI) OR mass misanthropy (ALF & ELF). Radical islam (a cult) is of that very same ilk, using terrorism to advance racial, ethnic and cultural hate.
Groups like ALF, ELF, the KKK and the NOI have also been largely ignored....and very DESERVEDLY so....EXCEPT by law enforcement.
There's no moral equivalency between the military use of terrorism for independence, self determination or survival (ie. the Colonial Americans, the post-WW II Israeli settlers and the Vietnamese) and those who use that tactic to advance racial and cultural intolerance and hate (ie. the KKK, the NOI and radical Islam).
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