Lost in all the hoopla was last week's sentencing of John Evander Couey to death for the rape/murder of NINE y/o Jessica Lundsford, of whom "Jesica's Law" was named.
Florida Judge Ric Howard sentenced Couey to death for the 2005 abduction, slaying. The jury that convicted Couey last month, voted 10 - 2 for the death penalty in this case.
An attorney for Couey has argued that Couey cannot be executed for his crimes because he is mentally retarded, but Howard brushed that aside, as Couey has a criminal record that includes 24 burglary arrests ("mentally retarded people cannot generally commit burglaries") and was already a registered sex offender when he killed Jessica Lundsford, a designation he earned after exposing himself to a FIVE y/o girl in 1991.
WHY was this guy ever out of jail after his initial offenses?
Outisde the court, Mark Lundsford, Jessica's father had some advice for Couey, "Skip all the appeals. Take your punishment. Stand up and be a man."
The quicker Couey is executed the sooner it can be deemed that he's "no longer a threat to society." So long as he breathes, he's a very real threat to any children he'd get near.
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