Roy L. Pearson, the Liberal, Democrat redistributionist, who sees business as “the enemy,” lost his ridiculous law suit against Washington D.C.’s Custom Cleaners yesterday.
In deciding the case, District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Judith Bartnoff ruled that "A reasonable consumer would not interpret 'Satisfaction Guaranteed' to mean that a merchant is required to satisfy a customer's unreasonable demands" or to agree to demands that the merchant would have reasonable grounds for disputing, the judge wrote.
Judge Bartnoff further ordered Mr. Pearson to pay the court costs of defendants Soo Chung, Jin Nam Chung and Ki Y. Chung, estimated to be slightly over $1,000. A decision on their legal costs, a significantly larger sum, will be held later.
Pearson, an administrative law judge, originally sought $67 million from the Chungs, claiming they lost a pair of trousers from a blue and maroon suit, then tried to give him a pair a pair of charcoal gray pants that he said were not his.
Judge Bartnoff wrote that Pearson failed to prove that the pants the dry cleaner tried to return were not the pants he taken in for alterations.
Pearson later dropped demands for damages related to the pants and focused his claims on signs (“Satisfaction Guaranteed”) in the shop, which have since been removed.
Conservatives would do well to make Roy Pearson the face of the Kos-Huffpo-MoveOn Liberal nexis.
I had heard about this case and merely brushed it aside as some sort of sick joke. I had no idea that the guy who lost his $67 million pants was a liberal judge trying to save America by stealing the hard-earned money of legal immigrants in order to redistribute it to the less fortunate illegal aliens among us. My faith in justice has been restored.
Well, Mick, I extrapolated from the fact that the "judge" is a Washington, D.C. Liberal Democrat, since tort suits aimed at businesses on behalf of "poorer" private citizens are a part of the redistributionist agenda, which is, at it's base an anti-business one, I kind of extrapolated from that.
While I'm glad the guy lost and will have to pay court costs and hopefully the attorney costs for the Chung's, I'm saddened that this case even got this far!
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