Showing a startling propensity for ass-f*cking just about anything, the jihadists in the Hamas led government in the Palestinian territories have turned good’ol Mickey Mouse into a tool for terror!
Palestinian Authority Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti said the character — a giant black-and-white Mickey Mouse look-alike, with a high-pitched voice — represented a "mistaken approach" to the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation.
Really? Ya think?!
Geeez, don’t beat yourselves up so much. It’s tough work finding that delicate balance between indoctrination and entertainment. Believe me, I KNOW.
I will say this, the message, "You and I are laying the foundation for a world led by Islamists," which the character, named Farfour squeaked on a recent episode, adding, "We will return the Islamic community to its former greatness, and liberate Jerusalem, God willing, liberate Iraq, God willing, and liberate all the countries of the Muslims invaded by the murderers," isn’t really done any justice when delivered in falsetto. In fact, it’s pretty confusing, especially to really young kids who don’t get the nuance - and by “nuance” I mean that RPG subtle insanity – especially when delivered in a voice they’re reflexively attuned to laugh at.
Nice try though, but seriously, this is one of the worst TV characterizations since that cartoon hero of the former Soviet Union – Boris Bitjakokov.
Palestinian Authority Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti said the character — a giant black-and-white Mickey Mouse look-alike, with a high-pitched voice — represented a "mistaken approach" to the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation.
Really? Ya think?!
Geeez, don’t beat yourselves up so much. It’s tough work finding that delicate balance between indoctrination and entertainment. Believe me, I KNOW.
I will say this, the message, "You and I are laying the foundation for a world led by Islamists," which the character, named Farfour squeaked on a recent episode, adding, "We will return the Islamic community to its former greatness, and liberate Jerusalem, God willing, liberate Iraq, God willing, and liberate all the countries of the Muslims invaded by the murderers," isn’t really done any justice when delivered in falsetto. In fact, it’s pretty confusing, especially to really young kids who don’t get the nuance - and by “nuance” I mean that RPG subtle insanity – especially when delivered in a voice they’re reflexively attuned to laugh at.
Nice try though, but seriously, this is one of the worst TV characterizations since that cartoon hero of the former Soviet Union – Boris Bitjakokov.
I don't know about you, but I'm anxiously awaiting the next incarnation of jihadist entertainment from the Muslim world - "al Borzo the jihadist Clown,"
I know there are people out there who'll say, "There's nothing funny about a six foot rat preaching hate," but I say, "There's actually an awful lot funny about a six foot rodent with a high-pitched voice preaching hate, at least if you think about it...really, just think about it."
The jihadists are emboldened because they have tested the West and found it lacking in determination and valor. But now they have tampered with a force more terrible than they could ever imagine -- Disney's lawyers.
Yeah, that should be interesting.
Still, I'd fire the guy who came up with the idea of trying to indoctrinate kiddies with hate through a falsetto voiced rodent.
Even the KKK isn't quite that dumb. At least I've never seen "Grand Dragon Mouse," trying to indoctinate kids in white supremacy with a falsetto voice.
You know, somehow even the most hate-filled threats just ring hollow when they come from the mouth of a high-pitched mouse.
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