Wednesday, November 27, 2019

There is Neither "Tolerance" Nor Decency on Today's Left...

TDS is a massive problem for today's Left.

It used to be BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome), proving it would've been CDS (Cruz Derangement Syndrome), or FDS (Fiorina Derangement Syndrome), etc. had any of the other leading 2016 GOP Primary candidates won that general election.

Trump, a lifelong NY Democrat is governing precisely like a traditional Democrat...a JFK Democrat - a tax cutting, Nationalist & anti Collectivist President.

It's not as though Leftists seem to have any specific issues with the Trump results; a booming economy, renegotiated trade deals, massive deregulation, etc., just red hot ANGER and...DERANGEMENT!

Take this one example. In response to an innocuous tweet by Ivanka Trump:
"It is an honor to serve our great Country and fight for America’s workers! 🇺🇸" (Ivanka Trump)

The immediate response from the Left was offered by a "freelance journalist," Lesley Abravanel:
"How have you served this country and fought for American workers, you fauxminist fraudulent, sweatshop owning, shoe design stealing, Chinese trademarking shanda spawn of the leader of the #TurdReich#TrumpCrimeFamilyForPrison #ImpeachAndRemoveTrump" (Lesley Abravanel)
Given this (…/trump-administration-report-offers-i…), what does that exchange prove?

Only that there is little decency, nor tolerance, let alone actual policy ideas on the Left today.

There is no legitimate answer in displays of personal animus. What's needed are RESULTS.

Let us see and compare the RESULTS of Blue locales (ie. California, New York) to Red locales (ie. Texas, Florida). SAME thing nationally. Inconveniently for Leftist Democrats, the Trump economy surged immediately, more than doubling the Bush/Obama recovery rate. The DJIA increased by nearly as much in Donald Trump's first 3 years (appx. +9,800) as it did over Barack Obama's 8 full years (appx. +10,300). Unemployment is at historic lows, record lows for blacks and Hispanics and real wages have increased by 2.5% after remaining stagnant for most of the past 20 years.

Moreover, there was no lag. The economy surged as soon as Trump was elected.

The next Democrat, whoever and whenever that might be, MUST BE judged relative to those results! There is no other acceptable standard. The next Democrat must exceed the Trump results or be deemed a failure, just as California and New York are currently judged failures compared to Texas and Florida.

Righteous indignation, outrage and anger count for NOTHING.

RESULTS are the ONLY thing that count.

It's time we surrender Party politics and just look at outcomes. Those outcomes are driven by policies. They're why Oklahoma City and San Diego are much better places to live than San Francisco and New York City.

OKC & S.D. happen to have Republican mayors, both San Fran & NYC have failed Democrat mayors.

Failed policies render failed results. Sound policies deliver positive results. It's really just about as simple as that.

We should all vote accordingly...

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