Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Challenge That is Trump...

Image result for Trump muscle man
Trump as..."Rocky"?
This article (…/29-percent-of-americans-are-financia…) actually states a very good reason why we can't easily, or comfortably move Left.

While I AM pro market (Corporatist), and Nationalist, I've also been skeptical of Trump, who won primarily because Steve Bannon's Nationalist platform resonated here the same way BREXIT resonated in England, BUT, for better, or for worse, the past three years have set a new bar.

The next POTUS, whether Democrat, or Republican must meet, or exceed the Trump economy - maintaining this extremely low unemployment, record high stock market numbers, etc., or be seen as an abject failure, no matter what else they may accomplish.

For many, the jury is already in, as it's been said that both Paul Krugman and Robert Reich, among others, advised Hugo Chavez, early on...and we've all seen where that went, just as Milton Friedman had advised Augusto Pinochet, turning Chile from Allende's Socialist basket-case into the economic "Jewel of South America," virtually overnight.

Should a self proclaimed 'Democratic Socialist' win election and preside over an economic downturn here, it will most definitely be chalked up to that ideology and NOT the incompetence of that one failed politician.

I think the goals of "Socialism," even of Marxism, "A more equitable distribution of prosperity, better working conditions with greater incentives built in, a more cooperative society," are good ones. HOWEVER, to date, NO ONE has ever delivered those goals in any of the many places they've been tried. Not in the former USSR (that now has a market economy and a 14% flat tax), not even in Communist China (which has abandoned Mao's Collectivism in favor of...the market) AND, of course, NOT in Cuba, Zimbabwe, or Venezuela.

The closest any economy has come to meeting those is probably here in the U.S., along with perhaps Germany, France and the Nordic nations, in short, "The Capitalist West."

This current administration, whether through good fortune, or sound economic policy, has delivered a powerful surging economy for all. That's created a La Brea tarpits trap for the next Left-of-Center POTUS, in fact, it's current success, undermines that ideology today.

These are very dangerous times for any of those who support the promises of the Left, as some of them have actually been delivered by someone who isn't just non Left, but anti-Leftist.

After this, the public ONLY wants results. THAT presents a major challenge for whoever and whatever comes next.

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