Top left to right: Keith Jackson & Nigel Doyle, Bottom left to right Robert Hamilton and Seth Rodriguez
A Florida homeowner killed two home invaders with his trusty AR-15. (https://www.ocala.com/…/summerfield-homeowner-injured-kills…)
One of the home invaders, Keith Jackson (21) died at the scene and Nigel Doyle (22) was taken to a hospital where he died, officials said.
Sheriff Deputies said two other men, Robert Hamilton, 19, and Seth Rodriguez, 22, were located later and arrested.
The unnamed homeowner was also shot and taken to a hospital in stable condition, deputies said. Detectives later said that the homeowner vaguely remembered one of the men from a past Craigslist transaction.
Deputies claimed that Hamilton and Rodriguez admitted they went to the home, along with Jackson and Doyle to rob the homeowner of marijuana and guns.
Both men are being held at the Marion County Jail and face charges including home invasion robbery with a firearm and homicide.
THe Police are NOT there to stop crimes, merely respond to crime scenes, gather evidence and arrest suspects. Only an armed citizen can stop a crime.
Guns are used to stop crimes at least twice as often as they are used to commit crimes according statistics.
"Gun Owners of America states that armed citizens kill at least twice as many criminals as police do every year, 1,527 to 606. GOA also said that: “Of the 2.5 million times citizens use their guns to defend themselves every year, the overwhelming majority merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers. Less than 8 percent of the time, a citizen kills or wounds his/her attacker.” (https://www.wyff4.com/…/how-often-are-guns-used-to…/10033021).
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