Saturday, September 23, 2017, HOW Trump Won

Image result for Donald Trump
POTUS Donald Trump

Contrary to popular mythology, Trump wasn’t voted in by an army of dummies.

It seemed that many diehard Trump supporters sensed their government no longer belonged to them, that the "American" media, which is overseen by the CIA on international stories and the FBI on domestic ones, was no longer an America media, that their country was dissolving before their eyes...AND they were RIGHT on all counts.

The REAL dummies are the dolts who STILL don’t see that!

A long time ago, even I personally thought globalism/One Worldism, with the ultimate goal of a much more unified world with a global currency, an international language (ie English for business), a unifying set of laws, etc. was a very sound idea.

Then I got to see who was supporting that and who was opposing it. By around 1990 over 30% of the global financial elite had come to question that model...and that number has grown steadily to where today, the two sides are nearly evenly split and the momentum for growth remains on the side of those who have now fully abandoned the globalist/One World model in favor of "Cooperative Nationalism."

Unless you're an international banker or a member of one of the appx 250 families comprising the global financial elite, YOU have no dog in this nasty and probably soon to be very bloody Nationalist/Globalist fight.

If you work for a living and ESPECIALLY if you have a public pension, your best interests are tied to Nationalism. America's very generous, by global standards, public pensions almost certainly disappear under the globalist/One World model.

Trump's election was an assault on a woefully inept and hideously corrupt political system. It was also a direct kick in the balls to our anti-Nationalist/anti-American Newsmedia...exposing how little influence they really have. It was a follow-up to BREXIT.

It was a declaration of war by the Nationalist faction of that global financial elite upon the globalist/One Worlder faction.

BREXIT didn't bubble up out of nowhere...and neither did Trump.

Trump's a SYMPTOM, of a much systemic global issue.

So YES, working folks, OUR best interests lie with the Nationalists.

I get the thinking, “That's NOT what Trump's base is all about,” but even if true, it doesn't really matter. WHO cares?

Working folks really have no truck with the Nationalists, because UNLESS you're running an international bank, or multinational conglomerate, globalism/One Worldism DOESN’T help you. In fact, especially if you hold, or will hold a public pension, it is VERY MUCH NOT in your best interests.

Talk about "acting against one’s own best interests"? That's what working and professional folks favoring any form of globalism are doing!

Here's the problem that continues to face the Democratic Party, a complete absence of introspection.

ONLY Hillary COULD'VE lost to Trump...only her, because she's just as obnoxious, even more corrupt, somehow even more unlikable than even Trump was. She blew failing to campaign, relying on CNN's and MSNBC's flagging viewership to BE her campaign.

It WASN'T "angry white guys," or "folks that globalism has left behind" (that meme shows you just how much compassion they really have for the poor...NONE), but instead, it was angry young women who wouldn't vote for her...angry, alienated black voters who wouldn't vote period...and disaffected Bernie supporters who saw how the DNC rigged the Primaries.

She, in effect, blew a football game in which the other team fumbled the ball away in their own red zone a dozen times...THAT'S on her! I'm not sure which is worse, that Leftists (1) think Hillary should've won (UNLESS they slept through the entire campaign) because she was "the better choice" (she never made that case), or (2) the even more ridiculous belief that Bernie was popular BECAUSE of his "Socialist" message.

Bernie was ONLY "popular" because he WASN'T HER! His message was a fraud. He was thrown off a commune for failing to work. He and his wife have used a College as their own private piggy bank. He's a greedy uber-Capitalist...who uses "Socialist" rhetoric as a con.

UNTIL the Democrats do some serious soul searching, they're going to keep on putting up out-of-touch candidates and finding ways to lose.

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