Recent days have delivered two entirely different and distinct sex abuse scandals.
Over the past ten days, Hermann Cain has been embroiled in a sordid swirl of sexual harassment claims – the first two accusers wouldn’t come forward for fear of breaching their confidentiality agreements upon which their severance packages were based.
One claim is that Hermann Cain told one of the complainants that “She was the same height as his wife.”
The credibility of those allegations are dampened by the women’s refusal to come forward.
Sharon Bialek has become the first woman to come forward with charges that Cain engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct, BUT her own credibility is tainted by the fact that she never filed a police report for the 14 year old sexual assault, her ties to David Axelrod and investigations showing that she’s filed numerous (dropped and dismissed) allegations at many of her workplaces.
Now, even a fifth woman has come forward, though that too doesn’t seem at all substantial.
“Donna Donella, 40, of Arlington, said the USAID paid Cain to deliver a speech to businessmen and women in Egypt in 2002, during which an Egyptian businesswoman in her 30s asked Cain a question.
“And after the seminar was over,” Donella told The Washington Examiner, “Cain came over to me and a colleague and said, ‘Could you put me in touch with that lovely young lady who asked the question, so I can give her a more thorough answer over dinner?’”
“Donella, who no longer works for USAID, said they were suspicious of Cain’s motives and declined to set up the date. Cain responded, “Then you and I can have dinner.” That’s when two female colleagues intervened and suggested they all go to dinner together, Donella said.
“Cain exhibited no inappropriate sexual behavior during the dinner, though he did order two $400 bottles of wine and stuck the women with the bill, she said.”
SEE: http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com/article/fifth-woman-raises-questions-about-cains-behavior
But the allegations haven’t hurt Cain’s popularity nor his support, as USA Today noted; http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/story/2011-11-07/herman-cain-sexual-harassment-allegations/51116794/1 and that’s almost certainly because, as Howard Stern wryly noted, “Herman Cain Sex Scandal Allegations Are ‘Smear Job’”
In stark contrast to those allegations, Penn State’s been rocked by a very serious and demonstrably provable child sex scandal and an apparent widespread cover-up by the football team, the Athletic Department and the school.
The Penn State allegations surround the football team’s long time defensive coordinator, Jerry Sandusky, who was at least four times reported as having had inappropriate conduct with children as young as ten, by witnesses.
A janitor caught him coming out of the coaches shower with a very young boy in 1998.
Another coach (Mike McQueary, then an unpaid graduate assistant) is unnamed in the grand jury report, but sources say McQueary witnessed Sandusky committing a sexual assault on a young boy at Penn State’s Lasch Football building in 2002. McQueary called his father, then reported the incident to his boss, Joe Paterno.
The mother of one of the victims in the grand jury indictment told the Patriot-News of Harrisburg: “I don’t even have words to talk about the betrayal that I feel. [McQueary] was a grown man, and he saw a boy being sodomized … He ran and called his daddy?”
Sandusky himself is said to have confessed to at least one of the children’s mothers, “He admitted to taking the shower, he admitted to some extent something bad happened,” the woman, who was not identified, said. “He asked her for forgiveness. He said ‘I probably won’t get it from you,’ and then he said ‘I wish I were dead.’”
As one close observer to the Penn State program has said, Nothing happens on campus that JoPa (Joe Paterno) doesn’t know about.”
The chronology of events reads like a deliberate cover-up by men who put a football program above the health and safety of some very young and at-risk children.
Today, Jerry Sandusky has been charged with 40 counts related to the sexual abuse of young boys and as of Monday, Penn State announced that athletic director Tim Curley and school administrator Gary Schultz — who were charged with perjury and failure to report to authorities what they knew of the allegations on Saturday — will both step down. There is ongoing pressure for both Graham Spanier, Penn State University’s President since 1995 and Joe Paterno to resign immediately. Paterno’s said he’d resign at the end of the football season.
What a difference a scandal makes!
There isn’t a SINGLE “unsubstantiated allegation” in the Penn State case!
To date there are ONLY unsubstantiated allegations in the Cain case.
Criminal reports were made immediately in numerous instances (1998, 2000, 2002, 2007 and 2011) in the Penn State case, but with the DA (now missing) unable to make a case back in 1998, the officials at that school were emboldened to allow the alleged perpetrator back on campus and he continued his work with the 2nd mile foundation he’d started for “at-risk” youth in 1977.
In the Cain case, the allegations made by the two women at the NRA were basically claims of “offense” – Cain remarking that one of them was “the same height as his wife.” There was no criminal report filed in the alleged sexual assault by Sharon Bialek.
There are numerous actual witnesses available in the Penn State case.
To date, there are NO witnesses, but the accusers, in the Cain case.
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