Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Did Obama Just Commission The “Private Army” He Called For???....
Rasmussen’s Polls Show More Americans Identify With Tea Party Views....

Obama Supporting Shia Muslim Fired Shots Into Eric Cantor’s Office....

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
U.S. Private Health Care System – The Worst in the World...EXCEPT For ALL Others....

US: 93%
UK: 15%
Canada: 43%
Percentage referred to a medical specialist who see one within one month of referral:
US: 77%
UK: 40%
Canada: 43%
Percentage of men and women who survived a cancer five years after diagnosis:
US: 65%
UK: 46%
Canada: 42%
Percentage of seniors needing hip replacement who received it within six months:
US: 90%
UK: 15%
Canada: 43%
The other thing I find endlessly amusing is how so many naive Leftists still think, "there's no mandate forcing you to buy health insurance in this Bill."
YES there IS!
And the fine is up to 2.5% of your income by 2016!
Yes, and businesses can opt out of paying health insurance premiums by simply paying a $2,000/year fee per employee to the government!
Let's see, a $2K/year fee to the feds against $15K to $25K per year in health insurance premiums per worker???....Hmmmm....Looks like an easy decision, "No employer-driven health-care for YOU."
THAT, by the way, is the "trigger" for the public option."
And again, I've said for a VERY long time, a "universal public option" CAN be made workable, IF (1) we roll Medicare and Medicaid into it, (2) bulk up the enforcement arm and ratchet up the penalties for fraud and abuse and (3) strictly RATION and RESTRICT that public option (by offering a max of 4 to 6 visits per year AND up to a max of, say, $10K/year in treatments), so long as available "gap insurance" is there for those willing and able to pay the premiums from private insurers.
That way, "the least productive people are rationed and restricted" and businesses and municipalities will be freed from the burden of providing BILLIONS of $$$ in free healthcare, making them much more profitable and competitive and thus making the American worker much more competi8tive in the global labor market!
The ONLY problem with
That's the problem we must solve.
NOTHING Proves My “Barack is a Hyper-Keynesian” Hypothesis Better Than THIS....
A “End Days” Cult Becomes a “Christian Militia” in Dino-Media Parlance....
What a MARONE!....
James (“Titanic”) Cameron (he and his huge mansion pictured above) has issued a challenge to the Anthropogenic Global Warming Deniers, “I want to call those deniers out into the street at high noon and shoot it out with those boneheads.”
Mike Malloy Ratchets Up the Hate - Libtalker Calls For Death of Conservative Pundits
Apparently Mike Malloy is jealous over Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann and Rosie O'Donnell taking the lead in the "Most Adorable Crazies" category, so he's apparently decided to power down the animal fat and ping the needle on the hate-meter by calling for the death of various Conservative Commentators.
What an ass-wipe!
I'd like to say that I hope Mike Malloy comes down with a vicious strain of hideously painful stomach cancer, but that would be impolitic....but maybe Mike Malloy will, in his own words, "do the honorable thing"....but sadly, I wouldn't count on that.
WTF?! - Moronic Rosie O'Donnell - 'Geometry' Proves Need For ObamaCare
WoW! Where to start....OK, "Hey STUPID, geometry doesn't PROVE any "Need" for universal, government-run health care"....and claiming, "It's a 'GIVEN' " doesn't make it so, any more than starting out a physics problem with "Let's pretend we have a perfect vacuum," makes the real world...a "perfect f*#cking VACUUM!"
Get it?!
Stop trying to use math to make your emotionalism seem more pragmatic! You only embarrass yourself further. Ironically enough, trying to apply math to emotionalism, only makes those arguments seem MORE emotional!
Monday, March 29, 2010
E. J. Dionne and the Liberal “Peter Pan” Mythos......
“Forty percent described themselves as conservatives last year, compared to 36 percent who said they were moderates and 21 percent who called themselves liberals. In 2008, conservatives and moderates were tied at 37 percent each, with liberals at 22 percent. Between 1992 and 2002, moderates reigned as the largest ideological group..
“Americans also became more likely to say the economy should be given priority over the environment when the two interests conflict - although that may reflect the difficult economic times, rather than an ideological shift away from environmentalism.”.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Let’s Go After Our Homegrown Domestic Enemy Combatants as Well....
Recently, about 20 color photographs of various CIA officials were found in the Gitmo cell of Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, one of the alleged financiers of the 9/11 attacks.
Friday, March 26, 2010
This is Just TOO GOOD!....
Here’s some photos courtesy of their own “photo album” of the Coffee Party’s vaunted “diversity!” While the mainstream media has slimed the rather ethnically diverse Tea Parties for their "lack of diversity," they don't seem to have that problem with these lily white "Coffee Parties."
The Coffee Party's photo album is available online at its Flicker account:
Take a LOOK at THIS!!!...

Thanks to the great Captain Capitalism, who notes on this illustration of our free-falling GDP, that it's “Not adjusted in terms of Percent of GDP, duly noted, but even the KGB and Osama Bin Laden in their wildest dreams couldn't have done this kind of damage.
”You will enjoy the ensuing chaos.”
He Said WHAT?!...

...Because today, in Iowa, President Obama said of the GOP’s plan to run in November on repealing the recent Health-Care overhaul, "Go For It."
Not AGAIN! - MSNBC's Ed Schultz - Time For 'Socialism' In Talk Radio
What a DOPE!
Ed Schultz is envious of Limbaugh's ratings but wants to blame an "non-level playing field."
WRONG's not any disparity in the playing field, it's the huge disparity in talent, THAT and the fact that the Conservative message resonates with more than TWICE as many Americans as the Liberal one does.