Let me ask an honest question.
Do you really believe that the vast majority of people (your neighbors and co-workers, etc.) are motivated by malice...or even ethnic animus?
If they are, what accounts for more Asians per capita getting into Colleges and Universities than their white counterparts?
What accounts for the fact that West Indian blacks, in Queens NY, earn more than their white neighbors in that same borough?
And what accounts for the fact that black women, on average, earn more than white females?
The view that “people are basically bad or debased and without government watching over them would revert to their basest natures” is a horrifically misanthropic, not to mention elitist one, for those who claim that, ALWAYS exclude themselves from such vile characterizations and almost always include the benign caveat, “present company excluded.”
The implication is, “You and I may not be bad people, but pretty much everyone else is.”
Well, if we accept that “you and I aren’t bad people,” why do we propose that most others ARE “bad people?” On what grounds do we make such a malignant presumption?
I have a hard time believing that any decent, caring person could honestly hold to that basic outlook.
Still, that seems to be the basis for so much of the Liberal/Left-wing outlook – “People (that is, OTHER people) are scum.”
I don’t see things that way and I don’t view others that way at all. In fact, I’ve always said that “some of the best and worst people I’ve ever met are of (give ANY group),” and THAT’S the human condition.
I absolutely reject the notion that people are generally “bad,” “debased,” or “inclined toward evil,” and “need strict government supervision.”
That viewpoint is completely antithetical to America’s Founding design and is, at its core, a prescription for the worst kind of tyranny.
I believe in a free and open market and the cut-throat competition it breeds. I believe in the natural right to violent self-defense, whenever necessary to defend one’s life OR property and I believe in it with regard to criminal justice – the government/police should react to and punish those guilty of felonious crimes, NOT seek to anticipate them and restrict people’s free movement in the name of “suspicious activity.”
Basically and fundamentally, I, like most conservatives, believe that the vast and overwhelming majority of people are good and decent and like myself, and I presume yourself, try to do the most good and the least harm they can each day. I don’t innately mistrust other people and know few other people who do. Of course, I know few real Liberals.
The bottom line is that Conservatives have faith in the basic goodness and innate abilities of people and Liberals do not and THAT is the fundamental flaw of the Liberal/Left-wing ideology.
Do you really believe that the vast majority of people (your neighbors and co-workers, etc.) are motivated by malice...or even ethnic animus?
If they are, what accounts for more Asians per capita getting into Colleges and Universities than their white counterparts?
What accounts for the fact that West Indian blacks, in Queens NY, earn more than their white neighbors in that same borough?
And what accounts for the fact that black women, on average, earn more than white females?
The view that “people are basically bad or debased and without government watching over them would revert to their basest natures” is a horrifically misanthropic, not to mention elitist one, for those who claim that, ALWAYS exclude themselves from such vile characterizations and almost always include the benign caveat, “present company excluded.”
The implication is, “You and I may not be bad people, but pretty much everyone else is.”
Well, if we accept that “you and I aren’t bad people,” why do we propose that most others ARE “bad people?” On what grounds do we make such a malignant presumption?
I have a hard time believing that any decent, caring person could honestly hold to that basic outlook.
Still, that seems to be the basis for so much of the Liberal/Left-wing outlook – “People (that is, OTHER people) are scum.”
I don’t see things that way and I don’t view others that way at all. In fact, I’ve always said that “some of the best and worst people I’ve ever met are of (give ANY group),” and THAT’S the human condition.
I absolutely reject the notion that people are generally “bad,” “debased,” or “inclined toward evil,” and “need strict government supervision.”
That viewpoint is completely antithetical to America’s Founding design and is, at its core, a prescription for the worst kind of tyranny.
I believe in a free and open market and the cut-throat competition it breeds. I believe in the natural right to violent self-defense, whenever necessary to defend one’s life OR property and I believe in it with regard to criminal justice – the government/police should react to and punish those guilty of felonious crimes, NOT seek to anticipate them and restrict people’s free movement in the name of “suspicious activity.”
Basically and fundamentally, I, like most conservatives, believe that the vast and overwhelming majority of people are good and decent and like myself, and I presume yourself, try to do the most good and the least harm they can each day. I don’t innately mistrust other people and know few other people who do. Of course, I know few real Liberals.
The bottom line is that Conservatives have faith in the basic goodness and innate abilities of people and Liberals do not and THAT is the fundamental flaw of the Liberal/Left-wing ideology.
amen times a thousand to the last paragraph!!!
About ten years ago, there was a NYPD ad that ran briefly around New York and its tag line was, "YOU are our job."
The people didn't like that. It sounded vaguely ominous and it exuded the view that the citizenry are a "problem" that the government must solve. The ad was quickly pulled.
Ironically enough, America was founded by men who believed the reverse - that government was a problem that the people must solve, by limiting its action in almost every area.
Ever wonder why government hardly improves much even when candidates who run against government waste and over-reaching get into office?
It's called inertia.
Government is overwhelmingly comprised of career Civil Servants, who work in various departments and they all see THEIR department's services as vital and convince themselves that MORE of their services are needed, along with more fellow Civil Servants, of course, hired at higher and higher pay.
Conservatives and others who look to fight this are literally swimming up-stream, as the entire weight of government is rolling "downhill" towards an expanding and more intrusive government at all points.
Liberals WANT a government that GIVES more and HELPS more, while many Conservatives WANT a government that is MORE vigilant against crime and outside attacks.
As a result, the social end of government expands under Liberal administrations, while the criminal justice and military end expands under many Conservatives. It becomes a "pick your poison."
We really need a "Leave Me The Hell Alone" Party, kind of like the Libertarian Party on steroids, but as yet, we don't have anything close to that.
here here my friend!..Lets pray some of that basic goodness or common sense hits the libs before we all self destruct!!
I don't see that happening Angel.
Liberals really believe they're being "compassionate" and "caring for those less fortunate."
They don't understand basic economics, nor do they seem to want to.
That's why they'd rather petition Starbucks than buy more coffee and that's why they seek to blame banks and not the dumb people who took out mortgages they KNEW they couldn't afford.
So true. Obama and his wife, Hillary, Pelosi, Reid, Kennedy, etc. all have the "let's help the little people because they aren't like us" attitude. It's really sad when people start to believe it.
Good people and bad people exist. Race isn't a factor. The common denominator is the human race not any particular race.
That's the key UJ.
The core of contemporary Liberalism/socialism is condescension....seeing others "the little people" as victims.
Very interesting... and it causes me to take serious pause and look inward. I must admit that I am very negative about people's general good intentions. In fact, I have always said that it is the poor general quality of the population that make the "good ones" so much more special and worthy of my attention. I do wholeheartedly agree that:
Liberals really believe they're being "compassionate" and "caring for those less fortunate."
But they are completely missing the value of self esteem, competition and a strong work ethic. They are especially missing the outcome of nurturing those principles... the lessened need for "help" and their idea of "government".
And I would join your "Leave Me The Hell Alone" Party tomorrow!
Your wisdom is impressive and humbling, JMK. Thank you.
DI, it's I, who is humbled by the many fine people I've run into online, from the likes of Barry Johnson at CN, to Seane-Anna at Poor Grrl Zone, to Angel at WHTS, to Webb Sloane at Grandma is an Idiot, to Captain Capitalism to Tyrone at Wake Up Black America, to Rachel and Heidianne, and, of course yourself.
I think most people THINK they're intentions are good....hell, even Hitler and Stalin thought that.
What today's Liberals/"progressives" (actually they're REGRESSIVES) don't seem to realize is that they ideology they embrace is the very same one that motivated Hitler, Stalin and Mao!
All of those tyrants were motivated by the inane, even INSANE idea that "“people are basically bad or debased and without government watching over them would revert to their basest natures”
It is, at heart, the MOST misanthropic and anti-human ideology one can find.
As usual, I left lot of my favorite people off that partial list; "DI, it's I, who is humbled by the many fine people I've run into online, from the likes of Barry Johnson at CN, to Seane-Anna at Poor Grrl Zone, to Angel at WHTS, to Webb Sloane at Grandma is an Idiot, to Captain Capitalism to Tyrone at Wake Up Black America, to Rachel and Heidianne, and, of course yourself."...
...I need to include Mick Brady @ Dancing in Tongues, Don @ Attorneymom, Terry Leasure @ Roadhouse, Ace @ Ace of Spades HQ, the other JMK over @ Jeremayakovka and Courtney over @ GrEatSaTan'sGirLfrIend...and I know I've still left a number of others off....
Hey JMK! So, you're humbled to know li'l ol' me? How sweet of you! I really like you, too. I enjoy your wit and wisdom and am very glad I found you. This was another great post. Keep up the good work, friend!
I'm always humbled by the decency of others Seane-Anna.
Among the things that most draw me to my fellow Conservatives is their grounded common-sense and their innate faith in their fellow man.
I'm glad to count you among those excellent voices I'm happy to have found online.
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