In the above photo, Barack Obama stands behind Kezia (his stepmother) in a Kenyan family shot, which includes his brother Abongo "Roy" Obama, pictured with his arm around his younger brother Barack. Abongo or “Roy” Obama is a Maoist, Luo activist and a militant Muslim who argues that the black man must "liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture."
"Abongo's new lifestyle has left him lean and clear-eyed, and at the wedding, he looked so dignified in his black African gown with white trim and matching cap that so many of our guests mistook him for my father," Obama wrote in Dreams From My Father.
"Abongo's new lifestyle has left him lean and clear-eyed, and at the wedding, he looked so dignified in his black African gown with white trim and matching cap that so many of our guests mistook him for my father," Obama wrote in Dreams From My Father.
His mother (Stanley Anne Dunham) stayed in Indonesia after she divorced her abusive, radical Muslim 2nd husband, with her daughter and left Barack Obama with her wealthy parents in Hawaii.
It's been reported (http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/obama/familytree/545461,BSX-News-wotreex09.stng) that Barack Obama always felt abandoned by his mother and father, and gravitated towards his non-participating African family as an adult, and rejected his white relatives' influences. Maybe that explains some of why he’s been a devoted member of Jeremiah Wright’s (see entry below) Church and its rather malignant, racialist value system.
A family member or two does not, in and of itself, define another family member. There are excellent detectives who were born to career criminals and vice versa.
BUT, in this case, Barack Obama seems to have bonded with a Maoist, radical Islamist brother (Abongo Obama), sought out a minister who preaches a blend of racial animus and anti-Americanism and Married a woman, born to privilege, whose Princeton thesis was about her alienation at that school, in her mind due entirely because she was black....not unfriendly, not aloof, not any flaw in herself.
While the people around Barack Obama don't define him, they are troubling enough to raise some serious concerns that, to date, he has been either unwilling or unable to explain.
THANKS to Seane-Anna for inspiring an edit.
Hey JMK! Thanks for this info on Barack Obama's family. You can't always judge a person by his or her relatives but the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, as the saying goes.
That's absolutely right Seane-anna, a family member or two does not, in and of itself, define another family member.
There are excellent detectives who were born to career criminals and vice versa.
BUT, in this case, Barack Obama seems to have bonded with a Maoist, radical Islamist brother (Abongo Obama), sought out a minister who preaches a blend of racial animus and anti-Americanism and Married a woman, born to privilege, whose Princeton thesis was about her alienation at that school, in her mind due entirely because she was black....not unfriendly, not aloof, not any flaw in herself.
While the people around Barack Obama don't define him, they are troubling enough to raise some serious concerns that, to date, he has been either unwilling or unable to explain.
At any rate, you raise a good point, that should've been clarified in the piece.
I believe the point you made here requires an edit on my part.
I'm not sure exactly why Seane-Anna's comment inspires any editing of your post, but then, I'm not certain what it is that you've changed.
Based on what you've said in your post, however, I think that you've merely pointed out one more detail in what has been a very vaguely defined personal history, a fact which has made it almost impossible to know who, exactly, Obama is, let alone what he actually believes.
We can only hope that more facts emerge in the coming days to enable voters to make a fair evaluation of the man and his qualifications for the presidency of the United States.
My personal impression is that he is a man blessed with the winning combination of a great personality and powerful intellect, but who has yet to explain his fuzzy and apparently questionable background.
The media has only in the last few days begun to do its job, and that only at the receiving end of a cattle prod.
Great post. My parents (both democrats and voting for Hillary :( ) have put me on their email list which is comprised of only Jewish liberals. I obviously sent them similar information (sourced) regarding Obama and Odinga, etc., his Muslim roots, etc, and his questionable connections. I've been COMPLETELY harassed since then by seemingly nice Jewish liberals in Cleveland, Ohio. Furthermore, since the "leaders" of the Jewish Community in Cleveland feel comfortable with Obama-- because Obama states he's a nice guy who cares about his kindly old uncle, they have seemingly dismissed every bit of actual information that comes their way in regard to Obama.
One person even stated that because Obama is the favorite of U.S. Muslims, maybe he will be the president that can finally negotiate peace in the Middle East.
If he gets the nomination, as he most likely will, I really hope that McCain does his job with Obama. Any thoughts on this?
how bout his mentor the virulently hateful anti American, anti semitic preacher..spit!
I think this is the beginning of the end. For Obama, that is.
I could be wrong, but times are not so tight that a good portion of white people (75-80% of the population) are going to vote for a man with such mentors like Wright. O even refuses to put his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Alliegiance and National Anthem.
How would people feel if McCain went to church in one of those White Pride/KKK camps for 20 years? He wouldn't even be Senator. He wouldn't even be able to clean the Senate floor!
I voted for O in the primary because I despise Hillary's obscene sense of self-entitlement to the presidency. When the general election comes I will either vote for McCain or write in Lieberman/Mark Warner.
I inspired your edit? Glad I could be of help, JMK! :)
And do you have an answer to the following: Barack Obama's brother, Abongo "Roy" Obama, is a Maoist, right? And Maoism is a form of Marxism, which was founded by a European white man, a Jew no less. So how can Abongo "Roy" Obama rail against "the poisoning influences of European culture" while embracing a political ideology rooted in that culture? Can you say hypocritical, ignorant,and confused? I knew you could1
Mick, Seane-Anna is really great and she inspired an edit by provoking me to think about the truism that "you can't always judge a person by his/her family members or supporters." Which, in and of itself, is true.
Most of the edit is found in my reply to Seane-Anna...who always makes me think. She has a great blog at http://poorgrrlzone.blogspot.com/
I agree with you, that at this point it would seem that he has indeed bonded with his more radicalized, older brother and he's called an extreme racial bigot his "mentor" and referred to Reverend Wright as his "Uncle."
Very recent polls show that Reverend Wright's views are agreed with by only 8% of Americans, and are opposed by the vast majority of African-Americans.
I think one of the worst things done in the defense of the "Reverend Wright flap" is the erroneous suggestion that such remarks are "typical in black Churches," and "heard/understood differently by blacks."
I think that amounts to a hideous and despicable sliming of black America. They shouldn't have to go there to make a defense.
Hell, why not say something like, "I've grown and as a result have distanced myself from Reverend Wright and people who espouse those views."
Would that work?
While I doubt it would work for a white candidate who called a viscious racial (KKK) bigot his "Uncle," I do think America might be more forgiving in this regard of a black candidate, as, for better or worse, black bigotry is not seen as threatening as white bigotry...and that's probably due to both the social and population dynamics in this country. In fact I find that understandable, except for the resltant winking and nodding at virulent black bigotry. I believe ALL such animus is potentially dangerous.
If ANYONE could pull that off, I believe it would be Obama.
I'm sorry to hear that Kendra.
It's amazing how many people refuse to even consider facts that run counter to their pre-conceived viewpoints.
I guess we can all be guilty of that at times, but it's something to guard against, that's for sure.
I find the view that Obama's perceived "pro-Muslim" stance is a "good thing," troubling.
Muslims, ESPECIALLY "radicalized muslims" DON'T WANT "peace," they WANT and DEMAND surrender....submission.
Frankly, I think Obama is too naive, too inexperienced to deal effectively with our enemies. In fact, his soft spots for both socialists (like Chavez) and radicalized Muslims (like OBL and perhaps his brother Abongo?) is not what I think is needed at this juncture.
On the McCain front, I think he'd have his hands full with Barack Obama and the media. Hillary Clinton, as another "protected minority" can say things that McCain, as a white male ("oppressor") can't.
That's just the way it is.
McCain is going to have to be dignified and resolute AND rely on some LUCK.
If McCain attacks Obama directly, the MSM is going to smear McCain as a bigot.
I may be wrong, but I think a white opponent will have to let Obama's own words or those of his family members and close associates do him in.
Majority stauts has its advantages, but it does have its disadvantages, as well.
It certainly has become a media firestorm Angel....we'll see what impact it has down the line.
Rachel, I think you're right.
For better or worse, Barack Obama rose to prominence as a "Tiger Woods-like" character, someone BEYOND the petty daliances of race, in fact, by dint of his bi-racial background, he seemed to transcend race.
THIS poisons that well and harms him, about as much as finding a Bill Clinton-like white having a KKK leader as his "mentor," such things make our initial impressions seem invalid, which makes that candidate appear disingenuous.
It's a BIG problem in my view....and ESPECIALLY the anti-Americanism, even more than the race-hatred, though both are extremely troubling.
For the record, I share your antipathy for the Clintons.
That's a GREAT question Seane-Anna.
I can't answer it EXCEPT to note that what anti-Americans seem to most revile about America is CAPITALISM (economic Liberty).
I suppose MAOism, makes it SEEM non-European in origin.
I'll say this, I believe socialism/communism IS indeed tribalism or "primitivism." It runs counter to human nature and to the concept of freedom/self-ownership.
I think the shock that accompanies these findings comes from how starkly it contrasts with Barack Obama's demeanor and comportment during the election.
I think THAT is the problem!
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