From Bill Gertz and Jon Ward at the Wshington Times;
“The State Department investigation of improper computer access to passport records of three presidential candidates is focusing on one remaining employee — a contract worker with a company headed by an adviser to the presidential campaign of Sen. Barack Obama...
“... The third employee, who has not been fired, worked for The Analysis Corporation (TAC), which is headed by John O. Brennan, a former CIA agent, who is an adviser to Mr. Obama's presidential campaign on intelligence and foreign policy.”
“The State Department investigation of improper computer access to passport records of three presidential candidates is focusing on one remaining employee — a contract worker with a company headed by an adviser to the presidential campaign of Sen. Barack Obama...
“... The third employee, who has not been fired, worked for The Analysis Corporation (TAC), which is headed by John O. Brennan, a former CIA agent, who is an adviser to Mr. Obama's presidential campaign on intelligence and foreign policy.”
The TAC employee is the only individual to have accessed both Mr. Obama's and Mr. McCain's passport information without proper authorization, a State Department spokesman said. That employee, who was not named, triggered an electronic alarm system, officials familiar with the probe said.”
WoW! Not only was the Obama camp a “victim” in this scandal, one of the major players had ties to that camp!
You don’t think it’s at all possible that the Obama camp cooked up a little scandal to take the spotlight off Jeremiah Wright and James Meeks do you?
Of course not...neither do I.
While I agree that this is titillating news, I can't imagine that anyone in Obama's camp, nor the CEO of that company had anything to do with this. The other company involved had 2 employess access records and the CEO of that company has contributed to Hillary's campaign. So, it seems pretty strange that these 3 people all accesses files, but because one of them work for a firm whose CEO is a supporter of Obama's, suddenly there is a conspiracy.
Also, no one has mentioned that there really isn't much in a passport file, other than your SSN, that isn't available in other public documents.
I want to be fair, so let me recap;
This “third employee,” the ONLY one of the thre who has not been fired, worked for The Analysis Corporation (TAC), which is headed by John O. Brennan, a former CIA agent, who is an adviser to Mr. Obama's presidential campaign. The other two employees worked for Stanley Inc., a 3,500-person technology firm based in Arlington that this week won a $570 million contract to continue providing passport services to the State Department, work the company has done since 1992.
TAC, a McLean-based information firm that has helped the State Department automate the Terrorist Watchlist over the last several years, issued a statement last night that it had been notified earlier in the day that one of its contractors had acted improperly.
The TAC employee is the only individual to have accessed both Mr. Obama's and Mr. McCain's passport information without proper authorization.
Those are pretty damning facts, wouldn’t you agree?
And let me ask this; How come this incident, an incident in which various civilian employees accessed ALL three major candidate's Passport files, is apparently ONLY, or at least primarily an "Obama issue?"
Come on, Hillary and McCain are BOTH as agreived in all this as is Barack Obama, so why is the Obama camp and their "first cousins" (NBC & MSNBC) in the media playing this up as "A violation of Barack Obama?"
Oh yeah, to get out from under his radioactive relationships with the likes of James Meeks and Jeremiah Wright.
Isn't that a little too transparent?
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