Sunday, May 5, 2019

In the Netherlands a Nationalist-Right Party Wins!



While America's pro Globalist/One Worlders talk of a "Globalist multicultural resurgence," the rest of the world moves on...toward Nationalism.

Nationalism amounts to a respect for human diversity, the diversity of mankind's disparate and different cultures, heritages and ethnicities.

The "Globalism"/One Worldism pushed by America's political-media class is a movement opposed to that diversity. One that would plow all of mankind's disparate heritages, cultures and ethnicities under a more homogeneous global culture.

That's probably why Nationalism appeals to far more people. My wife, born and raised in Jamaica, visited Paris with me, some 18 months ago and was distressed at the number of African street peddlers there.

"How much money do you think they earn, doing that," she asked.

"I have no idea," I responded, "Not much, I'd guess."

Then she said, "They don't belong here. When I visit France I want to see French people and French culture."

I thought about that and, while I did agree, I still found that view puzzling coming from her. Then, I realized that she no more wanted the face and culture of France to change, then she'd want to see the face and culture of Jamaica change.

I feel that same way...about BOTH places.

A few months back she'd spoken of a co-worker at her accounting firm, here from Nigeria, who'd said pretty much what John Cleese has said about London, England. Her co-worker said, "When I go back to vist Lagos, I no longer recognize the city I was born in." Sub-Saharan Africa has been flooded with Chinese immigrants over the past 10 years, or so.

EVERYONE respects their culture.

NO ONE happily welcomes demographic and cultural change. It's dislocating and can be jarring to those who've grown up immersed in that original culture.

I think EVERY existing culture in the world is vital. Different people, from different groups, with different cultures, often think differently, increasing the possibility of mankind finding more potential solutions to some of life's most vexing problems and challenges.

That's probably why Nationalism is ascendant now.

Asia had it's own Nationalist Pan Asian movement awhile back. The Arab-Muslim world re-embraced traditional Sharia-based Islam in it's own Nationalist movement. Sub-Saharan Africa has been persecuting and in some places (Zimbabwe) expelling its white populations as African Nationalism has swept that country.

Over the past decade, Europe has seen the rise of a vehement Euro Nationalism in response to a million-plus migrant invasion, mostly from Muslim countries.

To date Euro Nationalism has been led by the likes of Hungary's Viktor Orban, Poland's Description Andrzej Duda, Austria's Sebastian Kurz, and Italy's Matteo Salvini, France is leaning more Nationalist, as is Spain and Finland and most recently, the Dutch have given a two year old Conservative Nationalist Party sweeping wins across that country's 12 Provinces. That new ruling Party didn't even exist in 2015!

Here's an interesting video on those recent Dutch elections;

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