Martha Caokley was supposed to be a shoe-in for “Ted Kennedy’s seat.”
Just a little over a month ago she held a solid, “shatter-proof” 19-point lead over any prospective challenger, today polls show her DOWN 4 points to what WAS a cash-strapped, unknown, named Scott Brown!
What happened seems to be a combination of things, (1) Coakley’s run an incredibly, stupendously incompetent campaign, (2) Scott Brown’s run a masterful campaign, including the devastating line the other day in response to his running for “Ted Kennedy’s seat,” to which he rightly replied, “The seat belongs to the people of Massachusetts”...and (3) the incredibly unpopular healthcare reform being foisted on an increasingly unwilling America by an arrogant and tone deaf Obama administration.
Has any U.S. President ever lost favor so quickly?
Barack Obama came into office just a year ago with approval ratings well over 60% and today he finds himself below 50% in almost every reputable poll...and sinking fast!
The non-stimulating stimulus package, threats of a huge “Cap and Trade” energy tax and an abomination of a healthcare Bill have squandered most of the good will Obama carried into office.
He campaigned hard in Virginia and the GOP swept all three top spots for the first time in a quarter century.
He campaigned hard in very Blue new Jersey and still a charisma-challenged Republican beat a once popular Democratic incumbent, Jon Corzine!
Now, he’s heading up to Massachusetts ...can he make it a trifecta for the year?
Consider that just a few short weeks ago, back in mid-December, the National Republican Senatorial Committee conducted a poll that showed Brown trailing by only 13 points.
Still, Martha Coakley continued operating on the assumption that for all intents and purposes she’d already won the seat with the Dec. 8 primary - a very basic and standard assumption in the state known as the bluest of the blue.
This past Friday, one senior Democratic strategist noted, "I think we overestimated the state's Democraticness and underestimated the national mood. We thought that the state's deep blue voting pattern would help us withstand national trends."
If Massachusetts sends its first Republican Senator in nearly four decades to Washington , it looks like a November tsunami for the star-crossed Dems.
Who’d of thunk this?!
Here's what I don't get. The dems are now talking about using reconciliation to pass the healthcare fiasco through the Senate if Brown wins (Lieberman has taken a stand and said he won't vote until Brown's seated). So here's my problem with this: why are they pushing it through when everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, shouts that the people don't want it? They can't be that stupid or tone deaf. Especially if Brown wins the bluest state in the nation!
And can you imagine the OUTRAGE that would result from their nuking it through? People across the country would descend on Washington in the biggest march of all time. What the hell are they thinking? It just seems like madness to me to flout the will of the people in a representative government.
Personally, I believe the reason for that is simply that this Bill is NOT about healthcare reform at all, and it's certainly NOT about improving the existing system....it's about increasing government control and making a larger segment of the electorate dependent upon government action.
That's the ONLY way Chris Dodd's recent remarks to fellow elected Dems makes any sense; "If you're looking at this from the perspective of what's good for you politically, you're looking at this all wrong."
This is about the POLITICAL CLASS (of BOTH Parties) seeking greater control over the people.
I think 2010 is going to be a watershed year for Republicans and that's why it's absolutely VITAL that they (1) have a definite, clearly defined and forthright agenda - a Gingrichian "Contract With America" and (2) that they run principled CONSERVATIVES for office across the board, so that agenda is properly instituted.
I do NOT believe that'll happen.
I believe the Rockefeller-wing of the GOP can be counted on to advance the agenda of the political class.
I may be being overly cynical, but I don't think so.
We'll see soon enough.
IF the GOP gets in and fails to tear this out by the roots, when they get the chance....then my cynicism will be validated.
That's really up to us, not them. If we keep putting these bozos in office and letting them do whatever, it's our fault. I'm seeing that more clearly as the senate race in Mass is playing out. We need to hold them accountable ourselves, in the voting booth. That's the only way to change the party and to save our country.
"it's our fault. I'm seeing that more clearly as the senate race in Mass is playing out. We need to hold them accountable ourselves," (FS)
The people vote....but the 2 major political Parties (and their special interest benefactors) control who runs....that's why, as Ron Paul recently said, "Both Parties never fail to disappoint the voters. When Republicans are voted in to improve the economy we don't get that and when Democrats are voted in to restore some lost civil liberties, we don't get that either."
Massachusetts will be a bell weather for, among other things, the power of ACORN's voter fraud division.
There's been a fair amount of electoral mischief on both sides (voter fraud by the Dems and some voter suppression by the GOP), but the Democrats are masters at voter fraud, while the GOP are rank amateurs, even at voter suppression.
"It just seems like madness to me to flout the will of the people in a representative government." (FS) - It SHOULD BE, but they've seemed to get away with it so far...they're merely pushing the envelope right now.
1. I am loving watching the Democrats implode, and some of them continue to blame Republicans for it! The absymal arrogance is stunning, but it's allowing Republicans to snatch victory from defeat.
2. Republicans need to do the Class of '94 one better: a clear and sound plan, and STICK TO IT. Have the spines to tell the libtard media to stick it, and stand by their principles.
3. Of course, and as you said, they need to have and run solidly on those principles.
Fuzzy Slippers is right, too: it's up to the voters. Voter anger is at a pitch I don't recall in recent memory. We can throw perhaps a record number of Democrats out. But if the Republicans who replace them come in like Olympia Snowe and Lindsay Grahamnesty...we could be right back in the midst of a failed ideology in four years.
Can the Political Class learn a valuable lesson in '10? I tend toward a bit of cyncism myself, but there's always some optimism left that anything is possible.
Meantime...go Brown go!
"it's up to the voters. Voter anger is at a pitch I don't recall in recent memory. We can throw perhaps a record number of Democrats out. But if the Republicans who replace them come in like Olympia Snowe and Lindsay Grahamnesty...we could be right back in the midst of a failed ideology in four years." (SF)
Yes, right on both counts and we don't even need more Snowe's and Graham's to do that....the Rockefeller-wing will almost certainly be more stealthy than that.
I believe a lot of voters are angry for the same reason that Independents now make up the largest segment of the American electorate.....they're sick of bi-partisan malfeasance.
The dopey Dems conned themselves into thinking that 2008 showed Americans veering Left....no such thing.
In fact, 2008 was a reaction to the GOP moving Left!
Now the Leftist Dems are going to punished the same way.
I'm praying that MA comes through and puts Scott Brown in the Senate. Rasmussen has Coakley up 49% to 47% with a 3% margin of error among likely voters.
I've donated to Brown's campaign...the first time I've donated to an out of state campaign in years. This one effects us all.
i'm just thankful for the inevitable democratic implosion. GO BROWN!
"i'm just thankful for the inevitable democratic implosion. GO BROWN!" (Maria)
Me too Maria....though I remain "cautiously optimistic" about the GOP's prospects for embracing Conservatism, even amidst thie obvious signaling of the American people.
Unfortunately America's Conservatives have no real home today.
The GOP is not a natural fit for America's Conservatives. After all, the very FIRST "Progressive American President" was Herbert Hoover....a veritable Jimmy Carter, complete with an engineering degree and a brainy resume to match.
No, the Rockefeller-wing is firmly in control of the GOP because they are its "money source."
They foisted the Keynesian and very "Moderate"/Rockefeller-wing George Herbert Walker Bush (the elder) on a reluctant Ronald Reagan and chased real Conservatives, like Pat Buchanan out of that Party....and are looking to find a way to do the same to Sarah Palin - presumably without chasing away the tea party folks.
There's a very good reason that half of America's Conservatives do NOT identify themselves as "Republicans."
It seems that Conservatives need some sort of unifying grassroots movement and folks like yourself, Robin and Clifford should be a necessary and vital part of that.
The Liberals have gotten away with dividing America by group identity (race, class and gender) because Conservatives, as individualists, have been slow in reacting to that slimy strategy and often too honorable to respond in kind.
Liberalism really is "the enemy within"....a cancer in the body politic of America.
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