Could you imagine a paid (“professional” journalist) listening to a speech by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia claiming he'd have dissented against Plessy V Ferguson (the Decision that inculcated "Separate but Equal" segregation) and hearing that, "Justice Scalia would’ve dissented on Brown V Board of Education?” (the case that eradicated segregation)....No, neither can I.
Does that sound anything like a “mistake?”
Of course not...Plessy V Ferguson was the case that instituted “Separate but Equal” and it sounds nothing like Brown V Board of Education...there’s nothing in the names of those two cases that make confusing the two even possible.
So either By Howard Fischer of Capitol Media Services is grossly incompetent and thus not even really “semi-pro"or sub-blogger (a distinct possibility, I'll admit), OR (and THIS seems far more likely) he’s a vile, virtually insane ideological bigot. On the proverbial "bright side," it does provide yet more proof that America's "blogging rabble," as off-the-cuff and unvetted as many often are, actually have a track record no worse than that of our "vaunted mainstream media," so Mr. Fischer should be thanked for providing at least that.
The article is still up (http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/story/146308) but with this editor’s note: “Editor’s note: This is an updated version of a story that was originally posted Oct. 26. It removes an incorrect reference to Brown v. Board of Education in the initial version.”
As Ace at Ace of Spades HQ (http://ace.mu.nu) wryly notes, “But the truth is: The media gets very little right at all. Even the most basic stuff, they blow. They're not merely biased and partisan, but hapless and incompetent at what is, at the end of the day, a fairly simple job.”
I’m still not buying the “honest mistake" here...because this is one of those that’s just too incredibly STUPID to be a mistake....and oh yeah....the Lefty bloggers have bought and ran with it hook, line...and stinker.
Plessy V. Ferguson. Brown V. Board of Education. Oh yeah, I get those mixed up all the time, too!
Like you, I wish I could believe this dope was THAT stupid....but it just strains credulity too much.
And what a shocker!....the Lefty bloggers ran and went viral with it...a la Limbaugh.
We've got to take back the media if we're going to win the culture war.
None of the media that leans left -- and I do mean NONE of it -- has a flea fart of credibility any more. Their journalism integrity went the way of dodo birds.
An honest mistake? Unbelievable. My head hurt trying to untangle the mess the media made of this story. I went to Huffington Post to see what they had to say about this. (I know. What was I thinking?) The comments were beyond understanding. I always thought of journalists as knowledgeable people...about history, about who was who, and just ever so slightly cynical about every argument, even one they might in their personal life believe. Maybe cynical is the wrong word...skeptical may be better.
What a sordid mess.
"None of the media that leans left -- and I do mean NONE of it -- has a flea fart of credibility any more. Their journalism integrity went the way of dodo birds." (SF)
That seems to be increasingly true for many SF, BUT that's far from optimum.
Conservatives MUST take back the media before they can win the culture war and move back to our Founding ideals.
One thing that THIS election season hopefully has made clear is that ALL Conservatives are NOT Republican and ALL Republicans are NOT Conservatives.
According to Rasmussen, while Americans who self-identify as Conservative (40%) are nearly double the number who self-identify as Liberal (21%), it's also true that "while Republican voters overwhelmingly consider themselves conservative, only 56% of conservative voters consider themselves to be Republicans. In other words, nearly half of all conservatives nationwide reject the Republican Party label.
"This means that Republicans looking to broaden their party’s outreach cannot ignore the need to attract a large number of conservative voters along with some political moderates.
Conservatives Must find some way to unite....and UNLESS the GOP's Rockefeller-wing, it's Liberal "monied elite" step back and out of the way, a lot of Conservatives (like myself) will always remain very skeptical of them.
Remember, the FIRST "Progressive President of the U.S." was Herbert Hoover-Republican, who like Jimmy Carter was an engineer.
"Unbelievable. My head hurt trying to untangle the mess the media made of this story." (HHS)
I believe that was deliberate, HHS...I DON'T believe anyone could mistake those two cases!
No matter how stupid the author (Howard Fischer) may be....in FACT, the DUMBER he is, the LESS likely he'd seem to even come up with a second, unrelated (actually antithetical) case to confuse Brown V Board of Ed with.
No, this was a calculated hit piece on Scalia, a la the Limbaugh fake quotes.
This seems to be the "new tactic" of some on the left.
It doesn't bode well for them, in my view.
They WILL reap what they sew.
Well said, JMK. I have voted Republican since I was old enough to vote but lately feel like I have no party. Heck, I have no party.
The old media had the perfect opportunity to have a powerful voice in the new media but truly do not understand why they lost it. Credibility. Fact checking. Accurate in-depth stories.
"I have voted Republican since I was old enough to vote but lately feel like I have no party. Heck, I have no party." (HHS)
Me too! (voting GOP for those running for National Office) and I'm a lifelong registered Democrat!
My dad's father's family was Old Tammany.
Anyway, Party is secondary to ideology...at least to me.
To me, it's almost always a matter of "the lesser of two bad choices."
As I said, in another comments section, one thing that THIS election season hopefully has made clear is that ALL Conservatives are NOT Republican and ALL Republicans are NOT Conservatives.
According to Rasmussen, while Americans who self-identify as Conservative (40%) are nearly double the number who self-identify as Liberal (21%), it's also true that "while Republican voters overwhelmingly consider themselves conservative, only 56% of conservative voters consider themselves to be Republicans. In other words, nearly half of all conservatives nationwide reject the Republican Party label.
"This means that Republicans looking to broaden their party’s outreach cannot ignore the need to attract a large number of conservative voters along with some political moderates."
Conservatives Must find some way to unite....and UNLESS the GOP's Rockefeller-wing, it's Liberal "monied elite" step back and out of the way, a lot of Conservatives (like myself) will always remain very skeptical of the GOP.
Remember, the FIRST "Progressive President of the U.S." was Herbert Hoover-Republican, who like Jimmy Carter was an engineer....and he was about as equally inept and disastrous, as history shows.
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