SEE: http://workingclassconservative.blogspot.com/2008/12/uaws-bailout-deal-sacrifice-or.html
The Obama administration apparently agrees as the AP reported earlier today; “President Barack Obama refused further long-term federal bailouts for General Motors and Chrysler, saying more concessions were needed from unions, creditors and others before they could be approved. He raised the possibility Monday of controlled bankruptcy for one or both of the beleaguered auto giants...
“...Obama said he is committed to the survival of an auto industry — on terms that will allow it to compete internationally.”
That doesn’t sound exactly pro-Union, does it?
I mean, in the first part of that statement they’re acknowledging that America’s UAW shops can’t compete due to “poor decision making” (apparently capitulating to unsustainable Union demands) by their Executive Boards and is now demanding concessions (in pay and benefits) to get those shops in-line with their non-UAW competitors.
It’s the RIGHT path, though NOT necessarily the “pro-Union” one.