I get the impression from some folks that it seems I write more than a fair amount about race, even if most of the time it’s peripheral to my main points. That seems to make some folks a bit uncomfortable.
I suppose I do that because race/ethnicity remains a major issue in this country, probably far more than it should be. It's either that or I'm just a race-obsessed dipshit...I'll probably have to get back to you on that - it's a tough one.
At any rate, it seems that there are a number of people who are a might confused about the “facts of life” concerning race and other such matters, so I’ve decided to go over them right here, right now.
First of all, there have always been some whites who hate “other” people just because they ain’t like them. There’ve also always been some blacks who hate “other” people just because they ain’t like them.
What can I say? Life’s rough, grab a helmet. One of the more unsavory things about FREEDOM is that free people are free to like and dislike whomever they please for ANY reason, or NO reason at all. You can too, and I bet you do that all the time, even if you aren’t all that obvious about it. We all do it - we all often find it hard to explain why we like some folks and dislike others. The vast majority of us DON'T base such decisions on race, ehtnicity, religion, etc.But it's OK not to know why you like and dislike folks, it's called "freedom of association," and it's a wonderful thing, that is often misconstrued and attacked by people who naively consider themselves "freedom loving."
One thing I’ve never understood is why any reasonable, rational individual would care at all about what some trailer park, or housing project bigot has to say about them.
If you are one of those who cares about that, I’d say, “Get over yourself and don’t worry about it. In other words, go out there and get a life, they ain’t all that expensive, at least not near as much as you might think.”
To all those whites who say I “tend to sugar-coat things too much,” or I’m “not tough enough on black bigots,” and "I don't focus enough on black atrocities against whites," I can only say is that, “I vehemently disagree.” In fact, I disagree so much, that all I can really say is pretty much, “Go F*%k yourselves.”
And to those blacks who say that “I’ve got no business discussing race, since I’m white and all,” well, I vehemently disagree with that too. In fact, all I can say to that is, well, “Go F#*k yourselves too.”
Now, for all of you folks out there who don’t like my bluntness, please, by all means email me and I’ll invite you to my workplace where I will promptly and pleasantly whup your ass but good.
Now, IF you DO email me, please be aware of what your role is – YOU’RE the “ass-whuppEE,” and, of course, that would make ME the “ass-whuppER.”
I just want to be clear about what’s expected of you, that’s all.
If you email me and come to my workplace, I expect you to show up and say something like, “Hi, I’m a black/white bigot and I’m here to see you whup my ass.”
And speak up, after nearly a quarter century riding under a siren, my hearing ain’t what it once was. So, speak up and annunciate clearly and then I’ll know what you’re there for and I’ll commence to beating your ass the way an organ grinder’s monkey beats his drum...or his cymbals, or whatever, but either way, your ass will be beaten, please believe that. Oh yeah, and PLEASE, don't be a hard-ass, I HATE that, it makes my hands hurt!
Got it, get it...GOOD!
Oh yeah, and for your own sake, you probably want to keep this on “the QT,” or for you black folks, on “the DL.” You don’t want to spread around the fact that some broke down old fireman just whupped your ass but good, OK!
I suppose I do that because race/ethnicity remains a major issue in this country, probably far more than it should be. It's either that or I'm just a race-obsessed dipshit...I'll probably have to get back to you on that - it's a tough one.
At any rate, it seems that there are a number of people who are a might confused about the “facts of life” concerning race and other such matters, so I’ve decided to go over them right here, right now.
First of all, there have always been some whites who hate “other” people just because they ain’t like them. There’ve also always been some blacks who hate “other” people just because they ain’t like them.
What can I say? Life’s rough, grab a helmet. One of the more unsavory things about FREEDOM is that free people are free to like and dislike whomever they please for ANY reason, or NO reason at all. You can too, and I bet you do that all the time, even if you aren’t all that obvious about it. We all do it - we all often find it hard to explain why we like some folks and dislike others. The vast majority of us DON'T base such decisions on race, ehtnicity, religion, etc.But it's OK not to know why you like and dislike folks, it's called "freedom of association," and it's a wonderful thing, that is often misconstrued and attacked by people who naively consider themselves "freedom loving."
One thing I’ve never understood is why any reasonable, rational individual would care at all about what some trailer park, or housing project bigot has to say about them.
If you are one of those who cares about that, I’d say, “Get over yourself and don’t worry about it. In other words, go out there and get a life, they ain’t all that expensive, at least not near as much as you might think.”
To all those whites who say I “tend to sugar-coat things too much,” or I’m “not tough enough on black bigots,” and "I don't focus enough on black atrocities against whites," I can only say is that, “I vehemently disagree.” In fact, I disagree so much, that all I can really say is pretty much, “Go F*%k yourselves.”
And to those blacks who say that “I’ve got no business discussing race, since I’m white and all,” well, I vehemently disagree with that too. In fact, all I can say to that is, well, “Go F#*k yourselves too.”
Now, for all of you folks out there who don’t like my bluntness, please, by all means email me and I’ll invite you to my workplace where I will promptly and pleasantly whup your ass but good.
Now, IF you DO email me, please be aware of what your role is – YOU’RE the “ass-whuppEE,” and, of course, that would make ME the “ass-whuppER.”
I just want to be clear about what’s expected of you, that’s all.
If you email me and come to my workplace, I expect you to show up and say something like, “Hi, I’m a black/white bigot and I’m here to see you whup my ass.”
And speak up, after nearly a quarter century riding under a siren, my hearing ain’t what it once was. So, speak up and annunciate clearly and then I’ll know what you’re there for and I’ll commence to beating your ass the way an organ grinder’s monkey beats his drum...or his cymbals, or whatever, but either way, your ass will be beaten, please believe that. Oh yeah, and PLEASE, don't be a hard-ass, I HATE that, it makes my hands hurt!
Got it, get it...GOOD!
Oh yeah, and for your own sake, you probably want to keep this on “the QT,” or for you black folks, on “the DL.” You don’t want to spread around the fact that some broke down old fireman just whupped your ass but good, OK!
Seriously though, this racial hypersensitivity is part of a broader personal hypsersensitivity that's a result of way too many of us taking ourselves waaaaay too seriously...and that's part of the even broader hyper-litigious society we live in, a place where way too many people mistakenly believe they have some non-existant right "not to be offended.
What can I say about that, except, "Lighten up, Francis!"
What can I say about that, except, "Lighten up, Francis!"
This has been a public service announcement. I’m just doing my part to increase the peace.
This has been a public service announcement. I’m just doing my part to increase the peace.
What can I say? Life’s rough, grab a helmet. One of the more unsavory things about FREEDOM is that free people are free to like and dislike whomever they please for ANY reason, or NO reason at all. You can too, and I bet you do that all the time, even if you aren’t all that obvious about it.
(channeling my Baptist upbringing)
AMEN Brother!!!! :)
Well said, bro. Being the son of a retired fireman, I could hear the firefighter coming out even before you mentioned being a firefighter.
LOL~I love it! It is interesing that black folks talk about race in any forum but if a white person dares to discuss race publicly then they are considered bigots. You are correct we all need to be free to have rational discussions about the ills that plague our society (our entire society)so that they can improve.
I know a few people who need a good old fashion ass whoopin' that I need to send your way :)
this is to conservative black woman,
remember what Chris Rock said "ain't NOBODDY above an ass whuppin'"
I LOVE that quote!!!
i was going to hold up on announcing this, but I've started a website called Prince of Verona. I did it in reaction to that case in Pa where the woman was slashed. I ask that if anything y'all please read that entry (Politics and Pennsylvania). Because something's not right about a society that accuses the victim first.
Thanks for the hit, j :)
It is astoundig how many people feel they have a "right" not to be offended and then commence to finding offense in the most inocuous interactions, Rachel.
While there are and probably always be bigots, I think there really are really very few complete bigots around.
I tend to presume that most people try to do the most good and the least harm they can....with a few exceptions and those people generally show their malice up front.
P.S. I like the website and intend to blogroll ASAP
Sometimes it seems that humor is the best, at least easiest way to address such issues Joe.
GREAT job the Fire Dept., although it's generally a "young man's job," unfortunately you don't fully appreciate that fact until you're a little older and don't bounce back as well.
I had almost 20 fun-filled years in the South Bronx and the last four in a HazMat Unit - great education, tons of overtime, but very little of the cammeraderie that makes urban firehouses such great places to work.
"It is interesing that black folks talk about race in any forum but if a white person dares to discuss race publicly then they are considered bigots." (CBW)
That really IS unfortunate CBW, especially because it results in so many white people just shunning the subject and refusing to talk about it.
I've never been so easily cowed.
In my view, race is a vital topic for every member of the human RACE.
also think the subject touches upon something you've written about recently - how so many of us tend to wallow in our perceived "victimization."
Vicimology is a celebration of weakness and failure and its both corrosive and dangerous to the human spirit.
I'm glad the likes of you, Rachel and Joe are out there writing!
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