More evidence that fact is stranger than fiction, Eyal Ben-Ari (pictured above), a Liberal (a/k/a anti-Israel, anti-Western, pro-socialist) Hebrew University professor of sociology, professor, “co-supervised” the inane theory, advanced by a graduate student at Hebrew University, that “Non-rape by Israeli soldiers amounts to racism,” as, in his twisted view, “abstaining from rape is just as inhumane and oppressive as "symptomatically raping" and in fact replaces it, because it just serves to reinforce the intolerance felt toward Arabs by Jewish soldiers. These racist soldiers think of Arabs as so inferior and horrid that they do not even feel a compulsion to rape them.”
That would only be yet another example of Leftist insanity, except for professor Ben-Ari’s peculiar personal predilection.
Ben-Ari is a far leftist with a track record of turning out anti-Israel propaganda, such as claims that Israel is an ultra-militarist society, and much of his propaganda is misrepresented as scholarly research. The other co-supervisor of the rape thesis was Ben-Ari's co-author in a book about Israeli "militarism."
That would only be yet another example of Leftist insanity, except for professor Ben-Ari’s peculiar personal predilection.
Ben-Ari is a far leftist with a track record of turning out anti-Israel propaganda, such as claims that Israel is an ultra-militarist society, and much of his propaganda is misrepresented as scholarly research. The other co-supervisor of the rape thesis was Ben-Ari's co-author in a book about Israeli "militarism."
Predictably the school itself didn’t distance itself from the Ben-Ari generated controversy. Facing a storm of public outrage, the president of Hebrew University, Prof. Menachem Magidor, and the Rector, Prof. Haim D. Rabinowitch, jointly issued an announcement defending the student and dismissing those who expressed outrage over the contents of the thesis. Equally predictably, Israeli feminist groups haven’t had a word to say about this "thesis" nor about Ben-Ari's role in inventing the "No rape as Racism" theorem.
The Jewish Press Blog reports, “But now it turns out that the ultra-feminist Israel-bashing professor of sociology practices what he preaches.
“The very same Professor Eyal Ben-Ari was arrested yesterday for suspected rape and sexual abuse of his students, and arraigned before the Jerusalem magistrate's court. It seems that Ben-Ari made it a habit to condition giving nice grades to and getting research grants for his female students on their sleeping with him. He was clearly not being racist though, because he is the same guy who discovered the academic finding that raping proves you are not racist. The police claim Ben-Ari had been behaving thus for the past fifteen years!”
“The very same Professor Eyal Ben-Ari was arrested yesterday for suspected rape and sexual abuse of his students, and arraigned before the Jerusalem magistrate's court. It seems that Ben-Ari made it a habit to condition giving nice grades to and getting research grants for his female students on their sleeping with him. He was clearly not being racist though, because he is the same guy who discovered the academic finding that raping proves you are not racist. The police claim Ben-Ari had been behaving thus for the past fifteen years!”
I guess all this goes to show that when it comes to irony, Leftists can be pretty damned ironic sometimes.
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