New research indicates that older men who shack up with much younger women keep the grim reaper at bay for the human population and extend our species' lifespan!
In less developed, traditional societies, males are about 5 to 15 years older than their female partners. In the United States and Europe, guys are an average of two years senior to their partners.
More interesting, according to Jeanna Bryner of LiveScinece.com, when old men father children, their genes seem to increase the lifespan of both sexes over evolutionary time.
Even more encouraging has been the latest trend in Western fertility rates.
According to a recent NPR report, “The newest status symbol for the nation’s most affluent families is fast becoming a big brood of kids.”
SEE: http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20070917/sc_livescience/maydecembercouplesboosthumanlifespan
In less developed, traditional societies, males are about 5 to 15 years older than their female partners. In the United States and Europe, guys are an average of two years senior to their partners.
More interesting, according to Jeanna Bryner of LiveScinece.com, when old men father children, their genes seem to increase the lifespan of both sexes over evolutionary time.
Even more encouraging has been the latest trend in Western fertility rates.
According to a recent NPR report, “The newest status symbol for the nation’s most affluent families is fast becoming a big brood of kids.”
SEE: http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20070917/sc_livescience/maydecembercouplesboosthumanlifespan
According the always interesting George J. Borjas, “Historically, the country-club set has had the smallest number of kids. But in the past 10 years, the number of high-end earners who are having three or more kids has shot up nearly 30 percent.”
Some say the trend is driven by a generation of over-achieving career women who have quit work and transferred all of their competitive energy to baby making.
They call it “competitive birthing.”
I don’t know if the rise in the number of children among more affluent families is due to “competitive birthing” or not. But the data, and many anecdotal observations, clearly suggest that there’s something going on.
SEE: http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2007/08/an_interesting.php
Whatever the reason, the more children the well-off and well-educated have and LESS those who are chronically poor have, the better for the future of this country.
In less developed, traditional societies, males are about 5 to 15 years older than their female partners. In the United States and Europe, guys are an average of two years senior to their partners.
My wife is seven years younger than me; does this mean I get a couple of extra years for free? As far as our contribution to the population goes, we both did our part years ago, so I guess that won't get us any extra points. :-)
I think the report states that, older males, who have children later, pass on longevity.
I was slightly surprised by that, although far less surprised than I was by the fact that more well-off couples are having more children.
In many ways, biology is still destiny - men are more "visual" and that's explained as a biological trait that made the most nubile women, the most attractive to the best providers. Women are a lot more sensible, in that they tend to choose mates based on stability, and other qualities that make for both a good father and provider. (I guess it's GOOD they're sensible/logical in at least one area....I'll probably regret saying that, but hey.)
I suppose that's why you see so many very successful men marrying great looking waitresses, strippers, etc.
Tiger Woods Married a Scandanavian Nanny. Then there's the likes of Ted Turner, Sumner Redstone, etc.
A while back I remember reading William Casey's autobiography and was fascinated by how he chose a mate. He assessed his strengths and weaknesses and found that he was weakest academically in math, and so he sought a woman who was, among other things, good at math, taller than average, etc. and he Married with the idea of "expanding the genetic pool for his progeny" in mind.
I still admire Casey for that. I think that's an extraordinary level of consciousness. Nietzsche would've loved that guy.
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