Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Our Globalist, Anti-American Media

THIS (above) is 100% right! America's corporately owned media WAS Hillary Clinton's campaign. What's more, this election was a full-throated NO CONFIDENCE VOTE against that incompetent, too often anti-American media. Our media needs to be taken back from these multi-national conglomerates that have the SAME globalist Corporate, misanthropic agenda as Pepsi (…/indra-nooyi-says-she-s-afraid-o…).

It's NOT too hard to figure out. THIS globalist media is NOT America's friend. As ONE example, CNN & MSNBC deliberately pushed a meme about Ferguson (the Michael Brown shooting - "Hands up, Don't shoot") that, according to their own internal memos, they KNEW to be false!

THEY are behind the BLM riots and the attacks on our police...while pretending to be saddened when an Officer is killed. That agenda is NOT their own. It comes from an internationalist, virulently anti-nationalist, anti-HUMAN global Corporate "elite."


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