Wednesday, November 30, 2016

America and Nationalism

Image result for Geert Wilders Marine LePen
Marine LePen and Geert Wilders

“We are a Republic. Nationalism is a Communist/Marxist all of History.

“Yes, I am proud of my Nation. We do NOT celebrate Nationalism.”

Robin Price Grace

We are...and have always been a nation that rejects globalism/internationalism. There is no way to be an American and an internationalist "citizen of the world."

And it's Marxism that's internationalist. The anthem of the Communist Party is "The Internationale."

Language (English), borders and our unifying culture are what make us a nation.

Capitalism (free markets and private property rights are two of the pillars this nation was founded upon) is rooted in nationalism.

That's why internationalists/Marxists oppose private property rights and markets...they prefer PUBLIC ownership and the Command (government-run) economy.

Nationalism supports private property rights & free markets.

Globalism/internationalism is opposed to both property rights & free markets.

E-Verify will rightfully put the onus on "ILLICIT Employers," which will, in turn dry up the jobs that draw most illegal immigrants here. They also need to severely restrict H-1B Visas and force companies here to train U.S. workers.

Eradicating the In-Sourcing of cheap labor (1) raises the American wage floor, helping U.S. workers & (2) evaporates the potentially large "ILLEGAL immigrant vote." BOTH are right & just and BOTH are necessary if the goal is keeping globalists/internationalists out of government control...which for this administration, it is.

Elections have consequences...and these "consequences" will be GOOD THINGS, not BAD THINGS.

 I think most of those "Free Trade" Treaties WERE designed to give the advantage to our "developing" trading partners. Only it was working Americans who really paid the price, in lost jobs and lower wages.

Like Jefferson Sessions, I'm a lifelong "Paleo-Conservative" (Libertarian Conservative).

BUT, I'm a lifelong Union worker as well (31 yrs FDNY) and as such, I oppose In-Sourcing and the vile GOPe scum (the Bush's, Boehner's, McConnell's etc) who've supported it, claiming, "Cheap labor helps us all."


In-Sourcing primarily, virtually SOLELY helps the 1%.

Globalism/Internationalism IS Marxism...and, YES, it's vehemently anti-worker.

Globalist administrations like GW's & Obama's had tariffs. All imports aren't tariff-free.

The issue is private property rights and free markets....Nationalism (as a political philosophy) supports and endorses them, while globalism/Internationalism does not.

Trump has NOT opposed international trade. He's opposed "Free Trade" deals that have screwed us over and supports "Fair Trade" deals that would be more equitable all around.

Tariffs "hurt" do Corporate taxes. Consumers pay EVERY penny in Corporate taxes in higher prices. Sales taxes hurt consumers the same way, as well.

Again, negotiate from strength...or not at all. That's a lesson learned from Napoleon. He always threatened war, but usually settled for a huge chunk of the intended's lands &/or resources.

Yes, Northern Europe had its Dark Ages after the gluttonous, bloated overly centralized Roman Empire collapsed. The goal of Internationalism (you keep misusing "globalism" - ONLY Nationalists support FAIR Trade deals between nations, today's globalists seek a vile centralized global control that has no chance of MUST BE dismissed out of hand)...BUT only Northern Europe had "The Age of Enlightenment, the Reformations in Christianity and Judaism...AND, of course, the Industrial Revolution, light years ahead of any other culture.

Sharing between disparate cultures is a hallmark of Nationalism....NOT Internationalism. Human movement is also ONLY possible under Nationalism. It's NOT my "opinion," but a fact that our unique and individual cultures and heritages aren't links to long dead ancestors and traditions, they form the basis of WHO and WHAT we are...they are the things that make us HUMAN.

WHY are so many in the U.S. obsessed with Hitler's atrocities when according to Solzhenitsyn, who chronicled it, "There was ONLY one holocaust in my view and it was the Jewish-led Red Russian or Bolshevik persecution of the traditional white Russians." He went on to chronicle how upwards of 50 MILLION innocent civilians were murdered, mostly tortured to death by what Solzhenitsyn called "a Jewish-led Bolshevik Red Army." My primary and perhaps ONLY disagreement with that is that I believe there have been many holocausts throughout history, Mao's, the Bolsheviks, the Nazis, King Leopold's destruction of the Congo, Cromwell's attempted genocide of the Irish, which led to the Irish slave trade...and many others.

Most of us in the U.S. oppose NAFTA, CAFTA and the TPP, because they are NOT FAIR Trade deals, they are NOT "trade deals" at all, but instead they are all attempted mergers of various global regions for POLITICAL, NOT trade purposes. This anti-nationalist lunacy is horrific, Stew. Internationalism opposes the existence of the nation-state and opposes the disparate and unique cultures and heritages of the world. It is as ANTI-American, as it is ANTI-French, ANTI-English, ANTI-Korean. It's just wrong for humanity.

"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God" We attribute that to the Gospel of John. In actuality it is from a much older source. The Upanishads. Globalism has been with us through the centuries." (Stew Loeb)
That has NOTHING to do with globalism.

Globalism is predicated on the monstrous idea of melding all humanity into a more homogeneous, more unified whole.  Sounds humanistic, but in practice it is horrifically misanthropic.

That’s in direct opposition to “sharing across cultures.” It seeks to stifle all cultures and eradicate such sharing.

America has always been a nation that rejects globalism/internationalism. There is no way to be an American and an internationalist "citizen of the world."

It's Marxism that's internationalist. The anthem of the Communist Party is "The Internationale."

Language (English), borders and our unifying culture are what make us a nation.

Capitalism (free markets and private property rights are two of the pillars this nation was founded upon) is rooted in nationalism.

That's why internationalists/Marxists oppose private property rights and markets...they prefer PUBLIC ownership and the Command (government-run) economy.

Nationalism supports private property rights & free markets.

Globalism/internationalism is opposed to both property rights & free markets.

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