It is always fascinating how differently Liberals and Conservatives view the same things.
Take the video I posted awhile back at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onXd8iH3OVQ – while most Conservatives found it troubling, many Liberals found it merely heart-warming.
One woman said, "I did not find this video scary AT ALL. Black youth of America inspired to be all they can be - what is wrong with that!"
Take the video I posted awhile back at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onXd8iH3OVQ – while most Conservatives found it troubling, many Liberals found it merely heart-warming.
One woman said, "I did not find this video scary AT ALL. Black youth of America inspired to be all they can be - what is wrong with that!"
Well, I HAD to respond to that and said, “That's NOT what that video is about....kids (black or white) "inspired to be all they can be."
"Because of Obama," is NOT "inspiration," it's "adoration" and sublimating your own goals and desires to another mere human being.
It's the difference between LIBERTY (the knowledge that your rights are innate, or inborn and derive from God NOT government) and the LICENSE (the view that all our rights and all good things spring from government - a human institution that Thomas Paine called "the human sewer").
License ("doing whatever we'd like, so long as we don't harm anyone else") did not build America's prosperity - Liberty ("the grinding burden of complete self-responsibility") did.
To me, the video is disturbing because it is Stalinesque/Hitleresque in its "appeal to the man."
I've had a number of people inspire me throughout my life and yet I attribute NONE of my aspirations (nor the achieving of them, or not) to anyone other than myself.
If that "Because of Obama I aspire to be the next lawyer," kid fails to get into law school, then, at least in his mind, Barack Obama SHOULD BE to blame.
That is not only wrong-headed, but dangerous and it has a corollary in what's going on right now in the current campaign.
We are, at this point, a very spoiled nation.
Right now the bills of years of OVER-regulation (the Frank and Dodd re-tooled and turbo-charged Community Reinvestment Act/CRA that forced banks to make over a TRILLION DOLLARS in bad/subprime loans) are coming due and many people are looking anywhere and everywhere for someone to FIX THIS.
This crisis, caused as it is by government, is unlikely to be fixed by government. In fact, since regulation caused the credit crisis, MORE regulation will almost certainly only make things worse. That’s why no matter which of the current two candidates wins in November, that administration will almost certainly come to be blamed for not living up to their unrealistic promises, and BOTH have made unrealistic promises!
Barack Obama has, in effect, promised Americans a return to Gingrich/Clinton-era prosperity via policies closer to those of the Carter/O’Neill-era.
There’s no reason to expect any different results from Keynesian policies this time than those delivered earlier. In FACT, all our current problems have been exacerbated by Keynesian policies supplanting Supply Side ones – the ill-conceived “stimulus package” of last Spring and the current $700 BILLION Bailout, as examples.
So long as Obama and McCain are promising "to return to the prosperity of the late 1990s" they'll be loved.
Once one of them has to deliver and fails, that man will be despised.
Since May, I've said that perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing for an Obama win, as McCain would only serve to "share the blame" for what appears to be a coming and deepening calamity.
It wouldn't be the worst thing to see Obama "Carterized" and "liberal" made a dirty word for yet another generation of Americans.
Of course, I've seen the Supply Side policies of the past 25 years as close to the edge of over-regulation.
Most economists seem to agree that it's been the past two years of outright Keynesian policies have led to the current economic meltdown.”
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