Friday, April 25, 2008

Blog of the Month - Poor Girl Zone

My second "Blog of the Month" is Seane-Anna's Poor Girl Zone -

It's a consistently well-written, passionately pro-American and proudly tradionalist/conservative blog.

One of her recent posts, "I Want to be Oppresed Like That" ( shows the hypocrisy of Reverend Jeremmiah Wright (Barack Obama's mentor and spiritual advisor) living large in a "Church owned" 10,000 sq ft, $1.6 million shack, while making a living deriding "the US if KKKA."

Sure, it only proves, for about the millionth time that there's money in hatred, but it's interesting prospective on the background of this hate-monger.

Another recent post of Seane-Anna's is "The Dems (Try To) Get God" ( that chronicles the Democratic Party's outreach to the "Faith-Based community."

Seane-Anna is a true patriot and, of course, an unflinching conservative.

If you check her blog out, I'm betting you'll find yourself hooked on her insights and self-deprecating charm.


  1. Yeah Seane-Anna's blog is always a great read!

  2. I agree, that she has a real good way with words, and being a good conservative helps matters too. She is really a great choice for your blog of the month.

  3. I've just started this honoraria (a blatant rip-0ff of Webb Sloane's "Blog-of-the-week" honors) I said to Webb, "I'm a lot lazier than he is, so I'm lucky if I can come up with a blog-of-the-month."

    I think I can keep a blog-of-the-month going for awhile, whereas a blog-of-the-week would be a little to trying for me.

    Afterall, I don't get around the Net as much as some folks do!

    But yeah, Seane-Anna really is a great choice....always a great read!

  4. seane anna is a great writer and worthy of the PR. jMk - you are so gallant and cool - thanks for looking after the grrrls!

  5. "seane anna is a great writer and worthy of the PR. jMk - you are so gallant and cool - thanks for looking after the grrrls! (GSGF)
    Well, Courtney (GSGF), you're right up there, yourself!
