Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Why is Harold Ford Jr. Being Ignored by his Own Party?

Two weeks ago Harold Ford Jr. wrote an excellent for Blueprint Magazine about the need for a Primary of Ideas, in which he set forth a NEW Democratic agenda based on Andrew Jackson’s credo “equal opportunity for all, special privilege for none."

A very good start.

In it he acknowledges, “But today, we face a host of challenges that seemed far off or unimaginable 15 years ago -- the spread of Islamist fanaticism, the rise of India and China, the acceleration of climate change. We have different problems to solve, and old problems that demand different answers.”

He calls for (1) Keeping America safe (against the rise of Islamo-fascism), (2) Giving Americans the tools to compete, (3) Hold government accountable for results, (4) Create a new hybrid economy, (5) make America the most pro-family country on earth and (5) end poverty for all who work.

It’s all here;



  1. I actually found Harold Ford quite likable in '06 -- except for that stupid "racist advertisement" charge his campaign leveled at opponent Bob Corker. I suspect he's getting shunned by his own party for losing a race that they felt he should have won. Contemperary U.S. politics is not about ideas, it's about winning.

  2. True enough, but Ford should be considered a "rising star," in that Party.

    He has new ideas, puts them across well and in the process bridge some of the gaps between Right & Left.

    I like Ford....I liked Mike Steele (MD) even more, but Ford is a blue dog who just didn't appear "Conservative enough" for very Conservative TN.

    If he'd run almost anywhere else out West or down South, he might have stood a better chance.

    But this article was a real good one....I wish him well with that agenda.

  3. If only Ford could be the Dem candidate for '08 than Hilary then the Reps might as well pack it in. I believe people are tired of the accusations and paranioa and want a leader with ideas, goals, and most of all, flexibility when it comes to the challenges of obtaining those goals.

  4. I agree....at least in so much as he'd have my vote over ANYone currently in the field on either side.

    As it is, he's offering the Dems a chance to appeal to working and middle America, unfortunately, it's a message waaaaay out of touch with the Party's extreme Left.

    I really liked his article and I like his vision...we may disagree on some of the details, but he's "close enough" in my book, which is probably why he'd be unacceptable to the MoveOn, Kossocks and HuffPo crowd.

  5. Keep up the good work.

  6. Hi Rhoda. THANKS!

    I've been a Conservative Democrat all my life and it's been frustrating having been alientated from my own Party for so long.

    I haven't been able to vote for many Democrats for national office. I would consider Harold Ford a HUGE step up over the raft of Dem Presidential aspirants since, well about 1972.
