Are you kidding me, or WHAT?!
Early Thursday morning, three University of Tennessee football players, all of them freshmen, two of them very highly recruited players wound up arrested in Knoxville Tennessee for...ARMED ROBBERY!
Apparently they thought it would be a good idea to walk over to another car, wave a gun in the faces of those folks and look to ROB THEM!
They were caught a very short time later, ID’d by the other vehicle’s passengers, fellow students at U of T and a pellet gun was found in their possession...along with some drugs, which a female passenger conveniently claimed were hers.
These are three guys getting a completely FREE RIDE through college...guys who want for NOTHING and at least two of whom probably WOULD HAVE been nearly guaranteed to have become instant millionaires, upon leaving that College for the pros!
These guys decide an ARMED ROBBERY is a good idea!
This is exactly the sought of incident that proves what I’ve said for over 25 years, “Poverty doesn’t CAUSE violence, in fact, violence, and the traits that lead to violence are what CAUSE poverty!”
The three Nu'Keese Richardson (above), Janzen Jackson, the two highly sought after recruits, and Mike Edwards, all 18 y/o, were each charged with three counts of attempted armed robbery in connection with the incident, which occurred at a gas station in an area known as "The Strip" at the edge of Tennessee 's campus.
As of Friday, Richardson was being held Thursday afternoon on a $19,500 bond. Edwards was released on a $19,500 bond and Jackson was released on his own recognizance.
According to Don Bosch, Janzen Jackson’s attorney, "Mr. Jackson vehemently asserts his innocence, and we hope that this will become apparent in the next 24 to 48 hours." It was not immediately known if the other two players had contacted attorneys.
The incongruity of this....of three extremely privileged young men acting as though they have a reason for rage, is more than outrageous and beyond pathetic.
UPDATE (11-16-2009):
According to Associated Pres reports, two of the players (Richardson and Edwards) have been permanently dismissed from the University of Tennessee . The third is barred from all team actioviti8es pending the outcome of an investigation into his role in the incident.
“KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP)—Two of three Tennessee freshmen football players charged last week in an attempted armed robbery have been dismissed from the team.
“Clearly, their actions have no place in our program,” coach Lane Kiffin said Monday.
“Kiffin said wide receiver Nu’Keese Richardson, 18, and defensive back Mike Edwards, 18, were permanently dismissed from the team, while former starting safety Janzen Jackson, 18, will continue to be barred from team activities while Kiffin awaits more information in his case.”
Shaking my head. How idiotic!??!
Did you post about Carrie Pajean or the mother that faked her own kidnapping or the soccermom that robbed the bank using her mini-van as the get away car?? Blank stare.
Sidebar: Nice picture. You are kinda cute for a white man. : - )
I dedicated this song to you and your wife:
Do your readers know you are down with the swirl??
this goes to the parenting by the liberal retards i've talked about. they impart their negative views to their children. these are the idiots that are the peers of my daughters' generation. it sucks for them.
It is amazing how many people think poverty causes crime. Talk about prejudice.
Have any of them been interviewed yet? I would love to know what moronic reasons they have for doing this armed robbery. But I have a feeling even when I hear their "reason," I will want to scream in frustration. I think Maria might have a point.
"Did you post about Carrie Pajean or the mother that faked her own kidnapping or the soccermom that robbed the bank using her mini-van as the get away car?? (AM)
You mean Carrie Prejean's masterbation tapes?
No crime in that, nor even "wrong-doing," except perhaps for bad taste and excessive attention-seeking.
The whack-job who faked her own kidnapping....that wasn't a violent crime....she WAS guilty of filing a false report....and was prosecuted for that. Ditto the Heanies....hideous people, horrific parents, but stupidity....even the massive stupidity of the Heanies wasn't a violent felony, as outrageous as it was.
Ditto the soccer-Mom bank-robber! Outrageous but not nearly on the same level as THIS act.
In this case, three guys who would've been guaranteed millions (in pro contracts) and who are currently getting a completely FREE RIDE (including room and board)...3 guys who WANT for NOTHING...committing a violent felony - an ARMED ROBBERY!
As I said, it proves what I've said almost forever, "Poverty DOES NOT cause poverty, in fact, violence and the traits that lead to violence are what cause poverty."
"Sidebar: Nice picture. You are kinda cute for a white man. : - ) (AM)
You're just being nice....even my Mom doesn't use "cute" and me in the same sentence.
But THANKS for being nice....you really made my day!
"Do your readers know you are down with the swirl??" (AM)
A good question.
Although I don't hide that at all....http://workingclassconservative.blogspot.com/2008/02/i-am-about-luckiest-guy-in-world.html AND, for the record, I AM "the luckiest"....I Married way out of my league here. I was fortunate that Dionne let me post that picture....she hates taking pictures and hates posting her pics anywhere, even more.
AND thanks for the song dedication....much appreciated....and thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to comment.
"This goes to the parenting by the liberal retards i've talked about." (Maria)
Yes it does, Maria.
I really don't get this at all.
This isn't about NEED, it's about thrills...or worse (most violent offenders are motivated primarily by having control over other people - in that regard, they share a similar flaw with most "career politicians").
This crime is so senseless because these kids were so obviously privileged!
They wanted for nothing.
They'd been given a completely FREE RIDE to a good College...and would've been set for MILLIONS (in pro contract dollars) had they graduated and did as well as they're highly recruited status would've indicated.
"It is amazing how many people think poverty causes crime. Talk about prejudice." (Spare.a.digm )
And it's so easy to prove wrong!
If poverty really DID cause crime then the Great Depression would've been one of America's most crime ridden eras....it WASN'T....not by a long shot!
If poverty caused crime than violent crime in the inner cities wouldn't be confined to less then 5% of that population, it would be engaged in by about 95% of that "at risk" population.
"Have any of them been interviewed yet? I would love to know what moronic reasons they have for doing this armed robbery. But I have a feeling even when I hear their "reason," I will want to scream in frustration." (Spare.a.digm)
I haven't heard of an interview YET, but I'm sure it'll garner more coverage this coming week.
One of the three claims to have been in the store when the act occurred....although, if that were anyone else, that wouldn't be an excuse at all....being there and driving off with the others makes you part of the crime, even if only "an accessory after the fact."
And people generally do prison time for that ("Accessory after the fact").
"I think Maria might have a point." (Spare.a.digm)
Yes, she generally does.
Although while I'm sure some degree of poor parenting may well be involved, I think there's more at work....YES, these are 18 y/o kids, BUT they have been MORE PRIVILIGED than 99% of all students in America....they represent that school and are rightly held to a higher standard because of those things....THAT is the cost of all the bountious benefits they've received.
These guys are responsible for their own behaviors at this point.
Right now, any one of them can vote or sign an NFL contract worth millions odf dolllars....they chose to do this, for "kicks," or whatever...they own this now!
It is an astounding action Robin.
I understand where sometimes you can just get a "bad mixture of kids," guys who together would do things none of them would on their own, but again, this is so senseless given their FREE RIDE status and their prospects of pro-football millions....
It's like Al Gore's kid walking into a store and holding it up....not that I'd be surprised at that, at this point, but a crime like that, especially its "rage of the privileged" aspect would be shocking in its incongruity.
I think some of the blame should go to the recruiters too. They seem to forget that players have entire lives OFF the field as well. These lives might not always be that of Boy Scouts and alter boys.
It seems like a bad business decision to hand over a thug to your bosses so that they can deal with attourneys and bad publicity. What good is finding a guy who can play ball, if he's likely to be in jail on game night?
"I think some of the blame should go to the recruiters too. They seem to forget that players have entire lives OFF the field as well." (Roadhouse)
Actually, there's a major distinction that you overlook here.
The recruiters are guilty of something else, poor judgment and poor (business) planning, NOT any of the crimes committed here....or by any other players at any other time.
The recruiters are guilty of the same kind of short-sighted, "shortcuts are best" thinking that's infected a LOT of American culture and America's business ethos, as well.
The Enron, Worldcom, Tyco and Arthur-Anderson folks were all guilty of the same "win now, don't worry about the long-term consequences" approach that a lot of College and pro coaches are guilty of, as well.
In that vain, one of the WORST decisions ever made was made by a fellow Libertarian, Alan Greenspan, who mistook ENFORCEMENT as "regulation," so Greenspan, Rubin, Summers and Geithner ALL opposed putting the teeth back into federal commerce ENFORCEMENT arms like the SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission) and the CFTC (Commodities Futures Trading Commission), which proved to be disastrous!
Had the CFTC cracked down on Derivative Trading and rightly outlawed things like the Credit Default Swap, it's more likely than not, that the global credit crisis that occurred in 2008 would NEVER have happened! Had the SEC simply followed up on the many tips flowing into that office about Bernie Madoff, it's unlikely that that ponzi schemer would've gotten away with his crimes for as long as he did.
So, while many College coaches and recruiters do pretty much the same thing that many businessmen have done...cut corners and take a short-term gain over a long-term health view, the RESPONSIBILITY for these and other bad acts belong to those who perpetrate them....in the case of the Enron thugs, that's Jeff Skillings and Andy Fastow and in this case it's Richardson, Jackson and Edwards....the lack of enforcement and oversight on the local level is a failure...like leaving a car door unlocked and the keys in the ignition...but the person who jumps in and takes that car is the ONLY one GUILTY of GTA and is solely responsible for that action.
JMK, I let you have it on my blog. LOL
"JMK, I let you have it on my blog. LOL" (AM)
And we were having such a cordial exchange here....
You're always welcome to make any case you want here as well....I never merely disagree, I always explain (often in painstaking detail) why I disagree.
All are welcome to do the same...a vigorous exchange of ideas and opinions, even when in conflict, is a good thing overall.
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will demand that they are reinstated with all prior freedoms and privileges, or start their usual shakedown.
"Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will demand that they are reinstated with all prior freedoms and privileges, or start their usual shakedown." (SF)
I think the race-huckstering business isn't as lucrative as it once was....after all, the common refrain today is, "What do you mean 'racism,' we have a black President, elected with more white votes than any other group's vote. We're in a post-racial America now."
So, I don't think Mssrs. Jackson and Sharpton have the clout they once did.
And Tennessee did the RIGHT thing here, it's dismissed two of the players charged outright. They are still investigating Janzen Jackson's role in this.
SEE: http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/news?slug=ap-tennessee-playersdismissed&prov=ap&type=lgns
For the life of me, I don't know why this is a point of contention for some, except that rare hyper-sensitivity over ethnicity/race (rare today) OR a tacit and perhaps vicarious support for such abhorrent behaviors (sadly somewhat more common a phenomenon).
That last comment, "For the life of me, I don't know why this is a point of contention for some, except that rare hyper-sensitivity over ethnicity/race (rare today) OR a tacit and perhaps vicarious support for such abhorrent behaviors (sadly somewhat more common a phenomenon). was directed at AttorneyMom, who seems to find it wrong to highlight this story...and I surmise, by her tone, to "make a big deal" over such "petty indiscretions."
I'd be interested in hearing any justifications for that view, but at this point I don't see any way it can be rationalized.
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