It’s important that ALL Americans come to realize why the Left has always and continues to revile the Jews, ardent Christians and the Judeo-Christian tradition itself. It’s the Judeo-Christian tradition's Biblical principles that motivated America’s Founders to establish a system based on INDIVIDUALISM, private property rights and limited governance. Those principles are completely antithetical to the Left’s Marxist agenda, which is primarily why the far-Left is rabidly anti-Christian AND virulently anti-Semitic.
Every black American should also read Professor Walter E. Williams article on Marx’s rabid racial bigotry; http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=50724 to get a better understanding of what the Left thinks of blacks as well.
Some recent remarks by David Romero-Ellner of Honduras, make the Left’s deep and abiding anti-Semitism, and by extension, it’s anti-Christian hate, as Christianity sprang from the Judaic tradition, all too clear.
Every black American should also read Professor Walter E. Williams article on Marx’s rabid racial bigotry; http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=50724 to get a better understanding of what the Left thinks of blacks as well.
Some recent remarks by David Romero-Ellner of Honduras, make the Left’s deep and abiding anti-Semitism, and by extension, it’s anti-Christian hate, as Christianity sprang from the Judaic tradition, all too clear.
“Sometimes I ask myself if Hitler wasn’t right to finish with that race, through the famous holocaust, because if there are people who are harmful to this country, they are the Jews, the Isaelites.” (David Romero Ellner, Executive Director of Radio Globo, Honduras Sept 25, 2009)
Those were the words of one of Honduras' leading Zelaya supporters, who began his political career as a radical activist and one of the founders of the far-Left People’s Revolutionary Union.
He’s also a convicted incest-pedophile, who did some jail time for sexually molesting his own daughter - a penchant, for whatever reasons, not at all atypical of the Leftist persona. Ever notice how the far-Left loves defending pedophiles, from the ongoing reflexive media defense of pedophile director, Roman Polansky to the ACLU’s recent defense of NAMBLA over that groups disseminating information on how to abduct and rape children? It is a veritable obsession on the Left.
Moreover, Mr. Romero Ellner’s comments merely followed up Manuel Zelaya’s own charge that he was being “subjected to high-frequency radiation” from outside the Brazilian Embassy where he was staying, and blaming “Israeli mercenaries” for his travails.
Worse still, for America’s Zelaya supporters, is the facts laid out by New York District Attorney General, Robert Morgenthau, who recently spoke at the Brookings Institute acknowledging that, “Iran and Venezuela are beyond the courtship phase. We know they are creating a cozy financial, political and military partnership and that BOTH countries have strong ties to Hezzbolah and Hamas.”
It’s extremely vital that all Christians come to understand why the Left reviles the Jews? It’s the same reason why Hitler, Stalin and ALL leading Leftists to this day despise the Jews?
It’s because the Jews, more than any other group, represent the commercial and merchant class...from their ranks have sprung many of the most ardent Capitalists. The Jews are, as more than one Leftist has lamented, “incorrigibly Capitalistic.” That’s the reason Hitler hated them and it’s the same reason ALL Leftists hate the Jews. Ironically enough, it can be said without any exaggeration that “the Left is incorrigibly anti-Christian, anti-Semitic and pro-pedophile.”
SEE Mary Anastasia O'Grady's excellent article in today's (10-6-09) Wall Street Journal; http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704471504574451341698592458.html
Zelaya Condemns Radio Host’s Comments on Holocaust (Update1)
By Blake Schmidt
Oct. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Ousted Honduran president Manuel Zelaya said he was appalled by comments made by his supporter David Romero, a journalist at the country’s shuttered Radio Globo, that Hitler should have been allowed to finish his “historic mission” of exterminating the Jews.
“I condemn that kind of racism and discrimination,” Zelaya said in a phone interview late yesterday from the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa. “I don’t share that point of view.”
Romero, who says his grandfather was a Jewish immigrant from Czechoslovakia, unleashed an on-air tirade against Jews after Zelaya told reporters “Israelis” were behind “toxic gas” attacks on the Brazilian Embassy, where he has holed up since sneaking back to Honduras from exile on Sept. 21.
In a commentary on Radio Globo on Sept. 25, Romero said “it would have been just for Hitler to have finished his historic mission. It’s true what the Jews have done.”
Romero’s comments drew condemnation from the U.S. embassy in Tegucigalpa and the Anti-Defamation League. An Oct. 4 Wall Street Journal column labeled Zelaya an “anti-Semitic rabble rouser” based on Romero’s comments.
Zelaya’s foreign minister Patricia Rodas said military officials loyal to Zelaya informed her that an Israeli citizen who owns a weapons-supply company in Tegucigalpa had provided the acting government with chemicals that may have been used to make toxic gases, according to a Sept. 25 report on Venezuela’s Telesur.
“It was an error. Pardon me. I ask the Jewish community for forgiveness,” Romero said in a phone interview. “My grandfather’s a Jew. I feel like a Jew myself, though I’m not a practicing one. My blood descends directly from the Jews.”
Zelaya Condemns Radio Host’s Comments on Holocaust (Update1)
Zelaya, who said in a statement that his government included four Jewish advisers, called his relationship with Romero strictly professional and denied allegations he’s an anti- Semite. Romero said there is a “malicious campaign” to use his comments to discredit Zelaya’s push to return to power.
“There’s a campaign to manipulate what I said and link it to Zelaya and the resistance,” he said. “I’m not part of the resistance, I’m a social communicator. I have a professional work relationship with Zelaya, that’s it.”
Romero supports the restoration of Zelaya and had frequent interviews with the ousted leader that helped rally supporters against the acting government of President Roberto Micheletti.
Along with TV Channel 36, Radio Globo was closed by the acting government last week for inciting violence. Soldiers seized their broadcast equipment and suspended their licenses. Romero said Globo has new broadcasting equipment and plans to return to the air even without a license if they’re not satisfied with the result of talks this week aimed at ending the crisis.
Shrinking Growth
The Honduran economy may shrink more than 4 percent this year as the result of the overthrow of the government, risking worsening poverty in Central America’s second-poorest country, ousted Finance Minister Rebeca Patricia Santos Rivera said.
The ousted government of Zelaya had projected growth of 1 percent to 2 percent, before the coup in June that has brought curfews and cuts in foreign-aid, she said.
“Now people are talking about a contraction of 3 to 4 percent for 2009; it could even contract more,” she said in an interview in Madrid today.
To contact the reporter on this story: Blake Schmidt in Tegucigalpa at bschmidt16@bloomberg.net
Zelaya is simply stating the truth that Israel backs the hard right in Central America, including Honduran death squads in the 1980s and Christian fundamentalist dictator Rios Montt in Guatemala. Rios Montt thanked Israel for putting him in power in March 1982 and proceeded to commit genocide with Israeli help. He said that the true Christian carries a Bible in one hand and a machine gun in the other and set up slave labour camps with Israeli help. He said that the countryside needed to be "drained". He said that a state of emergency was required so he could "kill legally". He forcibly converted tens of thousands of people to the Rapture Cult of which he is a member.
An Israeli called Yehuda Leitner has ties to the coup regime in Honduras... Israel has always supported the hard right there since the 1970s at least... I think it's very unfair to attack Zelaya because he thinks Israel is up to its old tricks. Israel is unpopular in Central America, with its left in particular, for a reason... a very good reason.
Remember that when the Guatemalan army surrounded the Spanish embassy there in 1980, as the Brazilian embassy is surrounded now in Tegucigalpa, the Guatemalan army burned it to the ground. Its chief of staff said, "The Israeli soldier is a model and an example to us".
"“I condemn that kind of racism and discrimination,” Zelaya said in a phone interview late yesterday from the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa. “I don’t share that point of view.” (Alex C)
I'm glad to hear that Zelaya said that, but he is part of the Chavez contingent in South America and Chavez and company have adopted a virulent hatred of the Jews to curry favor with their newest ally, Iran.
My biggest problem with the left is not it's mindless vioolence, Stalin's and Mao's regimes, for instance, killed more innocent people than all the previous tyrannical despots up through the 20th century.
What is the most damning thing about socialism is that it has thwarted propserity and inculcated poverty wherever it's been tried.
Some have argued that, "it was the political oppression in many of those regimes responsible for the economic devastation," BUT that's simply untrue!
When violent, politically repressive despots like Sukarno and Pinochet adopted Milton Friedman's economic policy advice, those economies thrived and flourished in spite of the political repressions! Chile became the "Jewel of South America" using the Friedman plan and Sukarno's Indonesian economy improved greatly using those same policies.
Ironically enough, Milton Friedman had offered the very same economic advice to the former Soviet Union and they didn't take it UNTIL after the USSR broke up.
Dr. Friedman's life work proves that economic liberty, the foundation of all other freedoms and the market-based economy works incredibly well, while Command (government-directed) economies NEVER work.
In my view, Professor Friedman is a prime example of why the misanthropic left hates the entrepreneurial Jewish ethos.
"He (Zelaya) said that the true Christian carries a Bible in one hand and a machine gun in the other and set up slave labour camps with Israeli help." (anonymous)
That's an irony, considering that the greatest scourge in South America has been the violent and despicable "Liberation Theology" cult that looks to remake Jesus as an "ancient communist."
Those cultists live to wreak destruction on others, so they richly deserve death.
"I think it's very unfair to attack Zelaya because he thinks Israel is up to its old tricks. Israel is unpopular in Central America, with its left in particular, for a reason... a very good reason." (anonymous)
The reason that the far-Left in South America has embraced anti-semitism at this time is clearly to curry favor with their newest ally, Iran and other rogue Islamic states.
It's odd that ethnic and racial bigots use either a nebulous charge of military aggression, or economic oppression (one group glomming too much of the wealth) against a targeted culture (in this case, the Israelis) to rationalize their own attacks on unarmed, non-combatants, often women and children.
Thank you for this, I am born a Jew, non-religious home, and all that I hear now is that "Jews hate the goyim" Jews hate Christians", Jews hate America".
This is hard for me to grasp onto, being a patriot & because I gave 4 years of voluntary service to the Army at Fort Ord 7th infantry Division, light fighters brigade, and these people that say this to me, are persistant with their judgements, and ALL of my friends are born-again Christians and I am Messianic, which I wont presume to impose on anybody. But ALL of my friends, they are Christians, so that totally disclaims these evil, wicked judgement calls that these animals place upon me.
Also, the 'hate Israel' crowd.. Wow. INTENSE. They are only prophesying the New Testamant that THEY say they 'believe' in, that "All nations will turn on Israel" -they have NO works, or love to PROVE IT that they are "Christians".
In fact, in my life, I have NEVER seen a people turn Jews away so terribly from the New Testament, as these "Christians" do, none of which I feel are REALLY Christians at ALL. Its enough to make me just get into Judaism and forget this ALL, as I dont want to be part of this hatefilled, nasty, reprobate, apostate crowd.
It’s extremely vital that all Christians come to understand why the Left reviles the Jews? It’s the same reason why Hitler, Stalin and ALL leading Leftists to this day despise the Jews?
It’s because the Jews, more than any other group, represent the commercial and merchant class...from their ranks have sprung many of the most ardent Capitalists. The Jews are, as more than one Leftist has lamented, “incorrigibly Capitalistic.”
Interesting POV. I never considered that the "capitalistic spirit" could be at the root of left wing anti-semitism. It could also be said that leftist anti-semitism is disguised as goodwill.
No matter what generation the left comes from, Jew hatred from them is something that seems constant. Along with Christian hating, America hating, good hating. It is sad that we have placed this type of persons at the top of our government.
"Thank you for this, I am born a Jew, non-religious home, and all that I hear now is that "Jews hate the goyim" Jews hate Christians", Jews hate America". (AfG)
You're welcome....it is the truth as I see it.
I was born Catholic, and became non-religious, first anti-religious, then later re-spiritualized, though NOT religious and not born-again.
I accept that the order and complexity of the Universe is such that it's extremely unlikely (infinitesimally so, in my view) that it occurred randomly.
I have come to see atheism as much a faith-based belief as ANY religion and agnosticism as the default empirical viewpoint.
I have come to be a non-denominational Deist, saying that, I have always wondered why most of the Western tyrants of the 20th Century and many before then, reviled the Jews.
Especially Hitler, who is thought to have had some Jewish blood himself.
And why were some Jews complicit in those atrocities?
Initially I believed that the Jews, predominant in many social reform movements and numerous among the ranks of the communists and socialists were "the natural enemies of Right-wing despots, BUT THIS quote of Hitler's drew my attention some years ago; "We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler (Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)
So Adolph Hitler was an avowed socialist himself.
So WHY the hatred of the Jews?! It COULD NOT merely be the penchant for socialist leanings among many of the Jewish intellectuals of the day. It had to be something else.
For me, the ONLY answer could lie in the fact that the Jews have long been a major driving force within the merchant or commercial class, the entrepreneurial class - "incorrigibly Capitalistic" as Leftists would say....and THANK God they were, for Capitalism and the market-process has been the LIGHT of the Western world and the road to prosperity for us all.
Today, I think much Jew-hatred or anti-Semitism is born of resentment and envy. We would do better emulating than reviling.
THANKS for stopping by and for commenting.
"Interesting POV. I never considered that the "capitalistic spirit" could be at the root of left wing anti-semitism. It could also be said that leftist anti-semitism is disguised as goodwill." (Lormarie)
Yes, "It could also be said that leftist anti-semitism is disguised as goodwill," so much Leftism has ALWAYS been disguised as "goodwill."
The "helpers" are always LOOKING DOWN on those they "help."
And really, is helping people remain dependent really "helping?"
Isn't it better to teach a man to fish rather than....?
The pernicious view of the Jew as global oppressor is foolish. Even as a religion, it is the LEAST evengelistic, the least violent and the least interventionist in the affairs of their neighbors.
The hatred of the Jews DOES seem to be rooted in class envy and resentment over the successes of the merchant/commercial class....THAT and the blood feud that exists between Muslims and Jews (although the Muslims have not EVER peacefully existed with ANY of their neighbors), as today South America's Leftist tyrants are busy currying favor with the anti-Semitic Arab-Muslim states of the Mid-East.
"It is sad that we have placed this type of persons at the top of our government." (Robert G)
I remain skeptical of the current administration too Robert, but I'm withholding judgment for now.
YES, I am disappointed at their reflexive support for Chavez ally, Manuel Zelaya and I am cautiously pessimistic about their dealings with Iran.
Jimmy Carter's vile Leftist Jew-hatred comes to mind and stirs some deep concerns for me over the American Left's intentions.
These are dark days for freedom/individual liberty right now.
Hi, you saw my quote wrong on LorMaries blog.
I am also a NY Native and I am also "The Mad Jewess"
Fret NOT! I was quoting Akira, she dislkes me, because I am an 'evil "GOYIM HATING JEW" yep..So much that she knows..typical...young woman, knows EVERYTHING about the world...I did too, until I hit 40 :)
"I am also a NY Native and I am also "The Mad Jewess" (AfG)
I just saw that.
I DID mistake that post as a response to my earlier post....I do apologize for the snarkiness. I am a "recovering jerk"....this "one day at a time" is a tough road sometimes.
There's lots of things in this world I will never understand, including how so many of the Jewish faith would support a party that covertly despises them. Not their votes, just them.
A thorough read of Rise And Fall of the Third Reich brings clarity to Hitler's holocaust against the Jews, and should be a clarion call to those who think socialism is benevolent.
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