While the Duke Hoax, it officially became a hoax when the DNA evidence exonerated the accused, still garners major national media attention, a ghastly, grisly, all too real hate crime is all but being ignored outside of the Knox County, TN area.
Early Sunday morning, January 6th, 2007, authorities believe Channon Christian (top picture, left) and Christopher Newsom (top picture, right) were abducted during what apparently began as a carjacking.
"It apparently started with a carjacking," said Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal Rich Knighten . "They did some really nasty things to this lady."
Subsequently Newsom’s badly burned and mutilated body was found in a rail yard. It turns out the five assailants did some “really nasty things” to Christopher Newsom before they killed him. Authorities know that he was raped, his penis cut off, and beaten before being set on fire and shot several times. It is believed they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch.
An equally cruel fate awaited her!
Reports state that Channon Christian, was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all five assailants, including an eighteen year-old female named Vanessa Coleman. They also took turns urinating on her. Then they cut off her breasts and put a chlorine-based cleaning product in her mouth, ostensibly to eradicate any DNA evidence, then murdered her and left her body in a garbage can inside a house once occupied by two of the assailants.
The District Attorney General of Knox County announced the list of charges facing now five suspects in the double murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.The District Attorney General Randy Nichols is not saying whether or not he will seek the death penalty, but he does say the state will seek conviction for all charges filed in a 24-page indictment from the Knox County Grand Jury.Lemaricus Davidson, 25, faces a total of 46 charges. Davidson was indicted on 16 counts of Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, 2 counts premeditated murder of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts especially aggravated robberies from Christian and Newsom, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom, and 2 counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.Letalvis Cobbins, 24, faces a total of 46 charges. Cobbins was indicted on 16 counts of Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, 2 counts premeditated murder of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts especially aggravated robberies from Christian and Newsom, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom, and 2 counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.George Thomas, 24, faces a total of 46 charges. Thomas was indicted on 16 counts of Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, 2 counts premeditated murder of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts especially aggravated robberies from Christian and Newsom, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom, and 2 counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.
Just last night, police in Lebanon, Kentucky, arrested 18-year-old Vanessa Coleman. She faces 40 Tennessee state charges. Coleman was indicted on 12 counts Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, 1 count Premeditated Murder of Christian only, 1 count Especially Aggravated Robbery of Newsom only, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts of aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom and 2 Counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.
Eric Boyd, 24, also arrested in connection with the fatal carjacking, only faces federal charges as an accessory after the fact. He was not indicted by Knox county grand jury.Felony Murder carries a possibility of death, life without the possibility of parole and life with parole. Especially Aggravated Robbery is a Class A felony that carries a possibility of 15 to 60 years in prison. Aggravated Rape is a Class A felony that carries a possibility of 15 to 60 years of prison.
At a news conference Thursday, Nichols commended the cooperative efforts between several departments and credits that cooperation for the fast pace this case is moving through the court system.
Nichols says he hopes to move the case to trial on the first day it's set.The four are expected to make their first court appearance within ten to fifteen days.
Within a month of the Duke hoax, many in the mainstream media had already convicted the three alleged assailants in the all important “court of public opinion, but there’s none of that here.
I wonder why?
OK, no I don’t, the radical Left is heavily invested in the fairy tale that whites are racist, while “people of color” can’t be.”
Unfortunately for them, that fairy tale keeps bumping up against a pesky reality.
Whoops! Hate crime stats, despite the fact that almost every white on black crime is labeled a “bias crime,” while most black on white crimes are not, show that blacks still commit far more “hate crimes” than whites, but we’re not supposed to know that. In fact, blacks are some FIFTY times more likely to attack a white, than vice versa.
When it comes to murder, the stats are even more startling. While black victims are killed by white murderers about 2% of the time, almost 14% of white murder victims are murdered by blacks, a difference of a factor of SEVEN TIMES.
In the light of those FACTS, the mainstream media’s continued obsession with white-on-black violence, to the point where a hoax like the Duke Lacrosse rape-hoax garners reams of paper while real, actual and far more prevalent black-on-white crimes, like the ritualistic rape-murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom by a group of feral blacks goes largely unnoticed and unreported, is indicative of an agenda that the media has no right to, given that the media’s job is simply one of information delivery (reporting the news) and NOT “shaping public opinion.”
THANKS to P-Mc for the LINK
WOW! This story has me so f****n' pissed off! It is outragous that this story goes unreported by the national media! What are they thinking?
Even FoxNews doesn't mention this story? Why?
Death is too good for these savages. They should get the same treatment that they gave their victims, and it should be done in a public arena. I'd pay for tickets to THAT.
This is just a thought, but if I was connected to anyone that was victimized by this horrible event, there are a number of very obvious reasons why I would not want it to become a nationwide media circus.
I agree with anon, but with pmc too. It's a horrendous crime, but just as this should stay statewide (with the death penalty for these monsters), the Duke case should have not gone national. I'm black and I have seen and known racism personally. What they tried to pimp out on Duke was not it. Unfortunately, this is hate crime no matter what color, creed, or preference. If it has to be known, let it be known and punished as such
You're right pmc, not a single major media outlet has really covered this horrific story.
It certainly is a powerful argument for the death penalty and an even more powerful argument in favor of a far more proactive strategy on violent crime.
I'd seriously doubt that this was any of these goons first violent felony. In fact, a number of these guys are suspected in a number of home invasion robberies in that area.
It's a strong argument for mandatory sentencing for violent offenders AND for making release (yes, even after serving the proscribed jail time) dependent upon a psych eval - those who lack the requisite skills to be productive, those who've continued their violent behavior while incarcerated, etc SHOULD be kept in another institution.
Obviously there are a number of people who aren't even minimally fit to coexist outside an institution.
While I agree anonymous, that the FAMILY mightn't want it to be made into a national story, when has the media ever aquiesced to such concerns?
I doubt that anyone who really cared about Anna Nicole Smith would want the current circus going on around both the possession of her body and paternity of her child, but the media, in such cases, tends to put ratings above all else.
Same with the Duke Hoax, the accuser went into hiding almost immediately after the charges came out and has never cooperated with the media...and yet the media saw that, highly suspect story as "big news" right from the start.
I'm sure a lot of editors worry about how to handle such stories and I can understand that valid concern, but the five thugs involved here happen to be black just like the animals that killed James Byrd happened to be white. Thugs DON'T represent any race...they are a "breed apart."
I think the way to cover such incidents is with honesty and by NOT over-sensationalizing it. There IS a war going on in America's streets, but it's NOT "rich vs poor," or "black vs white," but "the decent vs the indecent." Sometimes, it seems like the indecent are winning.
What puzzles me is why the media seems to love trumpeting white-on-black atrocities, while avoiding black-on-white ones.
Shouldn't the above legitimate concern about oversensationalizing crimes be adhered to across the board in such cases?
Hi Rachel, you know I never knew your background...I guess that's part of the anonymity of the net.
Actually one of the good things about the net, at least I think.
I don't know if it balances out the often "road rage-like" actions that some folks indulge in under that anonymity, but it does keep a lot of superfluous things (like looks, religion, race, etc) out of most discussions.
One of the things that I've often felt bad about is decent people black or white feeling bad, or even guilty over the atrocities committed by others of their own racial background (not that you did that - you didn't). It's not right at all.
Thugs from any background hardly ever express remorse, unless it's to try and wheedle a lighter sentence when caught.
I think the Duke case is really all about Mike Nifong. He saw that case as a chance for him to appear as a "champion of racial justice" (whatever that's supposed to mean) and as a chance to get back into office - at the time his campaign was low on funds and he was trailing his rival.
I believe he influenced the Durham police investigation early on, then took the investigation out of their hands when they began to express doubts over her many different accounts.
He rigged a line-up, colluded to withhold vital DNA evidence from the defense and refused to interview the accuser for over ten months! Nifong's the primary villain here, in my view.
As far as the incident itself went, I've always felt that the Duke case had a major parallel with the 2004 FDNY sex scandal (that also involved a false rape charge), such things usually take place over money issues.
The woman in the FDNY incident was an EDP (emotionally disturbed person), which only further highlights the bad judgment those men used that night, but the initial charge came about over a monetary dispute, just as the Duke case did.
I think the guys in both cases made some terrible misjudgments (the Duke guys, were at least drunk and mostly eighteen to twenty year olds, prone to poor judgment)...the false rape charges were bad judgments too, but that's to be expected from an EDP.
Beyond that, there is a difference between bad judgment (the Duke case and the FDNY sex scandal) and monstrous evil (this recent double murder in TN and the James Byrd killing).
I'm not a supporter of "hate crimes" laws, because in NY, which has strong hate crimes, James Byrd's killers would've still been breathing at taxpayer expense, while in TX, where there were no "hate crimes" laws, they got the penalty they deserved - death.
in my view, and this is just my view, people who prey on children or the elderly or those who commit horrific atrocities warrant the death penalty. Life without parole should be reserved for second tier killers - killing in the "heat of passion," things like that.
The real demons among us need to be sent express below ground.
I'm still picking my jaw up off the floor after reading this one.
(You are so spot on in pointing out the obvious racial motivations behind this.)
There are a few crimes every year whose cruelty and utter depravity debase us for even regarding the details of that act, and this is certainly one of those.
These acts plumb the depths of human depravity and I believe they highlight some of the glaring inadequacies our criminal justice system has in dealing with budding violence/sociopathy.
Most violent predators give many indications early on as to their proclivities and we seem intent to wait until some innocent's been killed before we do anything about that.
There are a lot, an awful of lot of dysfunctional and depraved people out there who need to be institutionalized, as their free co-existence threatens the safety of everyone else.
Like I said, I can sort of understand some editors and news producers not knowing how to handle such stories, though that doesn't explain their obsession with every reported white-on-black criminal act.
There certainly seems to be some kind of misguided agenda on the media's part, given the disparity in their reportage.
As a liberal, I read about this incident soon after it happened on the most liberal of news outlets: the internet. Blaming the liberals for this is silly, and I believe that you know that.
"the radical Left is heavily invested in the fairy tale that whites are racist, while “people of color” can’t be.”
Nice cheap shot at Liberals there. I'd like to know where you got such information. I find it funny that a conservative is accusing liberals of favoring one race over another. The pot is definitely calling the kettle black here. I agree that more attention needs to be brought to this story and others like it but the overall tone of your article comes across as a bit racist.
I am grimly amused by "Joseph's" comments. "Never mind what happened, the overall tone of your article is racist."
Well, what if it is? "Dat beez racisms" is secret code for "oh no, I can't handle the truth. Someone is saying things out loud that everyone already knows, and I can't deal with it, so I'll call him a racist, as if that were bad."
This crime was just another incident of TNB, and this is the sort of thing that happens to White people who are foolish enough to go near violent subhuman animals. It happens every day.
And the self-hating White liberals who shout the loudest about "racism" invariably send their children to lily-white private schools. They invariably look through the window of the 7-11 to check out the racial mix of customers before the decide whether to go in. But if anyone says aloud that savage apes are dangerous and humans should avoid them, they scream "it's raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacism."
"And the self-hating White liberals who shout the loudest about "racism" invariably send their children to lily-white private schools. They invariably look through the window of the 7-11 to check out the racial mix of customers before the decide whether to go in."
Lol, seriously? That's gotta be one of the most ill-informed things I've read on the internet in a while. And this is the INTERNET we're talking about. I mean, please.
The Duke case, as unfortunate as the situation ended up being, was highly publicized because of the institution's reputation and the fact that the boys were (so it seemed) high-class, educated gang-rapists who had assaulted someone with no chance to speak out. America, on the whole, did ABSOLUTELY the right thing in keeping up with that case. Had it been TRUE, it would have been very important that it recieve publicity, precisely BECAUSE no one should get away with something through their political, financial, or racial standing.
The only fingers that should be pointed here are at the criminals who committed the crime. Not their race, not their families, and certainly not political camps.
Your attempts to make 'liberals' sound over-compensating instead make you look like a racist prick who trolls for crime figures online to support his deep-seated dislike for things and people that he doesn't understand.
All of the worst, mass-murdering psychopathic scumbags in US history have been old white men like yourself, with generally the same attitude of callous self-righteousness that you display here. If you're so concerned about crime, you'd better be watching the white kid down the street as much as the black one.
As a conservative, shouldn't you properly be more concerned about any application of the term "hate crime?" I know as a libertarian I am.
Leaving aside such qualms, I think reducing this to a "why can't I have White Entertainment Television" sort of question is far too simplistic.
The funny thing is how you think the disparity in application of the "hate crime" label is discriminatory against you. On the contrary, what you're seeing is an assumption that black people are expected to commit violent crimes, whereas a white person is considered a fine, upstanding citizen by default, and therefore must have a deviant motive of some sort for any violent crime he commits.
How about black-on-black gang violence? A gang is not a "protected" class, but this is a "hate crime" in exactly the same way as an attack motivated by race or religion. Does anybody care? Not especially. As far as the system is concerned, that's just what young black men do.
Personally, of course, I think courts should operate on objectively evaluable actions, not on psychological hand-waving, but as things stand, you might consider that even accounting for uneven application of the "hate crime" label, a white man may still be less likely to do jail time for his "hate crime" than a black man is for his simple assault and battery.
Going out on a bit of a limb, in the present climate it might be necessary to shock a jury with terms like "hate crime" to get the same conviction for a white defendant that would come much more easily for a black one. Not that I'm comfortable with that. I'd much prefer equal justice to take the form of added benefit of the doubt for black defendants instead of inventing aggravating circumstances for white ones.
A straight death penalty is too good for those animals. I say hand them over to The Klan and let them do whatever they see fit.
"As a liberal, I read about this incident soon after it happened on the most liberal of news outlets: the internet. Blaming the liberals for this is silly, and I believe that you know that." (Anon)
Fact is that the mainstream media (MSM) DID NOT carry this story outside TN.
It's also a fact that the MSM rushed to judgment in a case (the Duke Hoax) that has now quite clearly been proven not only a hoax, but an example of gross prosecutorial misconduct.
The Liberal mindset of the media played a part in this.
They routinely violate their station, which is merely straight reporting of news, events, facts, by editorializing within those stories and filtering what news is "big news" and which is not.
There's an agenda there that they have no right to.
Their purpose isn't to "shape public opinion," it's to simply regurgitate facts.
"Nice cheap shot at Liberals there. I'd like to know where you got such information. I find it funny that a conservative is accusing liberals of favoring one race over another." (Joseph)
ANYone who thinks that Liberals DON'T put one race over another, incessantly count by race, etc., is blind, deaf and probably dumb as well.
I've long opposed any kind of race or gender-based preferences NOT merely because "they put one race over another," but because they violate TWO basic American precepts, (1) equality before the law and (2) equal access to opportunity - meaning everyone has a right to be judged by the same set standard, not separate standards for separate groups...and because those preferences result in the stigma of presumed incompetence for those groups who receive them.
Likewise, since there are few crimes as horrific as the Knoxville crime, there's no reason that it shouldn't have been a national story.
In fact, it's a far bigger story than the Duke case, as it's a far more heinous crime.
The FACT that the Knoxville case would've made international headlines had the races of victims and persp been reversed speaks volumes as to the misguided agenda the MSM has embraced.
"As a conservative, shouldn't you properly be more concerned about any application of the term "hate crime?" I know as a libertarian I am." (Anon)
I don't get your point.
I never espoused any "hate crime" moniker in my post and was very clear, in my response to Rachel, that I, in fact, oppose hate crimes legislation - "I'm not a supporter of "hate crimes" laws, because in NY, which has strong hate crimes, James Byrd's killers would've still been breathing at taxpayer expense, while in TX, where there were no "hate crimes" laws, they got the penalty they deserved - death."
"The funny thing is how you think the disparity in application of the "hate crime" label is discriminatory against you. On the contrary, what you're seeing is an assumption that black people are expected to commit violent crimes, whereas a white person is considered a fine, upstanding citizen by default," (Anon)
That's neither the purpose nor intent of "hate crimes" laws. If it were, then blacks wouldn't be charged with more hate crimes than whites are each year!
The inter-racial crime stats are undeniable;
"According to the latest US Department of Justice survey of crime victims, more than 6.6 million violent crimes (murder, rape, assault and robbery) are committed in the US each year, of which about 20 per cent, or 1.3 million, are inter-racial crimes."
"Most victims of race crime—about 90 per cent—are white, according to the survey "Highlights from 20 Years of Surveying Crime Victims", published in 1993.
"Almost 1 million white Americans were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by black Americans in 1992, compared with about 132,000 blacks who were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by whites, according to the same survey.
Blacks thus committed 7.5 times more violent inter-racial crimes than whites even though the black population is only one-seventh the size of the white population. When these figures are adjusted on a per capita basis, they reveal an extraordinary disparity: blacks are committing more than 50 times the number of violent racial crimes of whites.
"According to the latest annual report on murder by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial murders involve black assailants and white victims, with blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites murder blacks.
"These breathtaking disparities began to emerge in the mid-1960's, when there was a sharp increase in black crime against whites, an upsurge which, not coincidentally, corresponds exactly with the beginning of the modern civil rights movement.
"Over time, the cumulative effect has been staggering. Justice Department and FBI statistics indicate that between 1964 and 1994 more than 25 million violent inter-racial crimes were committed, overwhelmingly involving black offenders and white victims, and more than 45,000 people were killed in inter-racial murders. By comparisons 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam, and 34,000 were killed in the Korean war."
Look, it's one thing being "Liberal" (that's merely sad, or pathetic), but it's quite another to ignore a stark reality, staring you right in the face (that's dangerously suicidal).
"A straight death penalty is too good for those animals. I say hand them over to The Klan and let them do whatever they see fit." (Anon-II)
While I understand the kind of emotion such crimes give rise to, those kinds of responses are what bolster the Liberal view that such crimes are best downplayed.
Of course, the reason they shouldn't be is because any downplaying of one (black-on-white), while highlighting another (white-on-black) again violates the basic American precept of equality before the law.
My problem isn't merely with the five feral skells who murdered both Newson and Christian, but with every "enemy of society," every pedarist who seeks to prey on children, every violent thug.
We need, not only mandatory sentences for violent offenders, but early onset interdiction programs that seek to identify, isolate and proactively treat those prone to violence at an early age.
If this was 1950, in Know County TN, I can guarantee that justice would have already been done.
"If this was 1950, in Know County TN, I can guarantee that justice would have already been done." (Anon-II)
Maybe, but justice isn't revenge.
If the races were reversed and it were five white bikers who did this to a black couple in College, while I have no doubt it would be a national story, I also think the roles of those who'd most want revenge would be largely reversed as well.
The shame of such acts is partly on all of us, to this extent, we've all allowed the current "clean up the mess" approach to violent crime to continue and haven't pushed for mandatory sentencing and early on-set interdiction - most violent predators act in specific ways early on (by eight or ten) and probably should be isolated and attempted to be rehabbed at that point, BEFORE they do such irreparable harm.
We all know what should be done, but most of us have "more important things to do." That's why there's so much rage when things like this happen - a part of us, hates the fact that we were too busy to get involved and push for the changes we know are needed.
Again, no matter the race of the victims or predators, this is a war of "the decent against the indecent," NOT "black vs white."
We shouldn't confuse the two.
They're going to spend life in a Federal Prison - like being in Hell on Earth. Like a living death
"They're going to spend life in a Federal Prison - like being in Hell on Earth. Like a living death>" (Anon)
I'd like to believe that, I really would, but such goons are generally very much at home in the prison system. Free food, free health care, no work if they refuse. There's even a flourishing drug trade within the prison system.
Life WITHOUT parole would at least be a small comfort. Life WITHOUT parole in SOLITARY would be even more so, at least to me, but I truly believe that some acts, the most horrific acts, warrant the forfeiture of one's life.
I believe James Byrd's killers got what they deserved. Ironically enough, they wouldn't have gotten that in NYC or D.C.
I believe Tim NcVeigh got what he deserved.
I believe John Couey who killed Jesica Lundsford (burying her alive, after repeatedly raping that 9 y/o) richly deserves death.
I don't believe any of these ferral thugs deserve anything less.
Of course, I also support the death penalty for pedarists, a law that's passed in, I believe, six states.
I understand those who oppose Capital Punishment. Bill O'Reilly vehemently opposes it and he can be a persuasive fellow, but there, as on a number of issues, I disagree with him.
This story begs the question, did we get rid of public executions mistakenly?
Notice how the liberals always change the subject and seque to personal attacks?
Yep me too.
Absolutely disgusting.
The blood-sucking media won't pounce on this, because it's clearly impossible for blacks to be racist against whites.
All media-bashing aside, this is just a horrendous story that turns my stomach. Humanity never fails at reaching new lows...
Anybody remember the Carr brothers from Wichita, KS? Those black animals did much the same type of thing with two white women and three white men. They're now serving life terms. They deserved the most painful death that could be imagined.
Racial prejudice and hatred against blacks in America is alive and well because of atrocities like this, which most whites know of but usually avoid speaking about. That said, the face of violent crime in America is black and anyone who denies it is lying in their teeth.
Given the amount of black crime in the U.S., I suggest we place an extra tax on blacks to partially make up for the incarceration costs their percentage of the population foists on the rest of us. Maybe a free-market solution would do something about the criminal tendencies their section of the population manifests more strongly than any other part of American society.
"All media-bashing aside, this is just a horrendous story that turns my stomach. Humanity never fails at reaching new lows..." (Barnolde)
I'd like to believe that the MSM fears that such stories will breed even more distrust and racial animus among whites (who they believe tend to be innately bigoted anyway), in other words, I'd like to believe that it's really more a misconception on their parts, rather than an agenda, but their failure to be as sensitive of such stories when they're white-on-black, leads me to believe that it's a deliberate agenda on their parts.
But yes, crimes like these shake your faith in humanity.
"Given the amount of black crime in the U.S., I suggest we place an extra tax on blacks to partially make up for the incarceration costs their percentage of the population foists on the rest of us." (Anon-II)
Well, I do recall the Carr brothers - that was another horrific race-based crime, but as for the added tax, for one thing, I'd say that decent blacks are ALREADY "taxed" because they are often the primary victims of such thugs.
Beyond that, I don't like the idea of penalizing the good and decent, hardworking people of a group in an attempt to impact the low-lifes among that group. It seems counterproductive.
Ask any teacher and they'll tell you that they see savage bullying going on every day. Many of these more violent kids grow up to become even more violent adults.
Why is there no early on-set interdiction programs to isolate and deal with thse individuals at an early age BEFORE they commit these kinds of atrocities?
Why are people who are convicted of attempted murder, even manslaughter OUT of prison in LESS than ten years, sometimes less than FIVE?!
That, to me, is an OUTRAGE.
When some one "serves notice on society" via a violent predatory act (aggravated rape, assault/mugging, attempted murder, etc) THEY should be in prison for 25 year or more.
We've got things completely bacwards. A crack dealer gets 25 to life, while a violent predator can get out in three years!
Something's wrong with that picture.
Those sentences should be reversed.
Today, we actually take drunk driving more serious than we do predatory violence.
DUI - $12,000 in legal fees, 30 days in jail and a suspended license for 6 months.
Rape a kid (in Vermont) - Public defender gets you off with "therapy" and "no jail time served."
That's disgusting and it reflects badly on us on all for accepting a system of laws that allows for that.
Which documents actually spell out the grisly details you mention?
How do we know that you didn't just make it all up.
I mean, after all, if you watch Law and Order, or Cold Case, or 24, it is clear that white males are capable of this sort of depravity even on Sundays.
However, I can't believe if of other races.
you'd pay for tickets to watch someone being tortured and brutally murdered?
the fact that you would even consider saying something like that is a case in point of what is so very very wrong with the human race.
"Which documents actually spell out the grisly details you mention?
"How do we know that you didn't just make it all up..."
"...it is clear that white males are capable of this sort of depravity even on Sundays."
"However, I can't believe if of other races." (Anon-III)
I posted two links at the bottom of the article...you must've missed that documentation.Check those links, they're interesting reads.
On your second point, yu believe that because you, like many Americans, watch entirely too much TV.
The FBI crime stats are all too clear;
All criminal arrests in U.S.:
White: 70% (= its pop fraction)
Black: 28% (2.4x its pop fraction)
Asian: 1.4% (1/3 its pop fraction)
Murder charges in U.S.:
White: 42% (2/5 its pop fraction)
Black: 50% (4.2x its pop fraction)
Asian: 2.4% (1/2 its pop fraction)
Rape charges in U.S.:
White: 63% (0.9X its pop fraction)
Black: 35% (3x its pop fraction)
Asian: 1.4% (1/3 its pop fraction)
Burglary charges in U.S.:
White: 70% (= its pop fraction)
Black: 28% (2.4x its pop fraction)
Asian: 01% (1/4 its pop fraction)
Sad to say, but blacks are some FIFTY times more likely to attack a white, than vice versa.
When it comes to murder, the stats are even more startling. While black victims are killed by white murderers about 2% of the time, almost 14% of white murder victims are murdered by blacks, a difference of a factor of SEVEN TIMES.
There is one lone bright spot for blacks among the various crime rates;
DWI arrests:
White: 94% (1.3x its pop fraction)
Black: 04% (1/3 its pop fraction)
Asian: 02% (1/2 its pop fraction)
Thus when it comes to DWI, blacks are making better choices than BOTH whites and Asians.
The stats tell the whole story...unfortunately TV (yeah, even Law & Order) does not.
"you'd pay for tickets to watch someone being tortured and brutally murdered?" (Anon-III)
Where's that coming from???
No such phrase was anywhere within the article I posted and a cursory review of the comments section turns up no such phrase at all there either.
I can't address something that doesn't appear to exist, but if you could be more specific and take issue with a direct quote, I'd certainly do my best.
I posted two links at the bottom of the article...you must've missed that documentation.Check those links, they're interesting reads.
Well, I followed one link, which was clickable, but could not find any details. They were all full of shit like the following detail might be scary, but there was nothing scary in the few words they provided.
I guess I will have to cut-n-paste the other link.
On your second point, yu believe that because you, like many Americans, watch entirely too much TV.
Obviously, you can't detect sarcasm, like "whites can be depraved even on Sunday" :-)
The stats are old news.
Liberal media ignores this brutal story
It helps if you get the URL correct.
Well, I have been through every page at that second link, and I can find no references to any official document that describes the actual injuries the the victims received ...
Can you provide a link or is everything simply hearsay at this point?
Finally, perhaps you could put up a story with the details of all the black on white brutal murders you can find.
How'd you miss THIS:
"It was just after midnight on a Saturday night.
Out on a date with her beau in a budding romance, she did what all good girls do - she checked in with her dad, told him her plans and promised to be home no later than 3 a.m.
"Hours later, this University of Tennessee college senior would be inside a house surrounded by strangers intent on hurting her. She would be bound but awake and aware.
"She would have known that her boyfriend was being beaten. She might even have seen it. She would have known that he was being led to his death. She might have watched his killer or killers return, bloodied and reeking of gasoline.
"If she pleaded for help, none came, not even from an apparent eyewitness, a woman.
"She was raped and beaten by an assailant or assailants savvy enough and calm enough to try to cover their tracks. They forced her mouth open and sprayed some type of household cleaner inside in an apparent attempt to wipe out any DNA their acts may have left.
"And when the ordeal was through, she was bagged and put inside a trashcan. Authorities won't say if she was alive or dead by that point.
"This account of what likely were the final hours of 21-year-old Channon Christian's life are contained in myriad affidavits - the last of which was made public Thursday - that have been filed in Knox County General Sessions Court.'
Maybe you missed the dozens of new charges brought against the assailants this month, including 2 counts of premeditated murder for Davidson, Cobbins & Thomas and 1 count of premediated murder for Vanessa Coleman, ALONG with 20 (TWENTY) counts of "aggravated rape of Christian AND Newsom.
Come on!
While I might understand where your sympathies lie, these guys all engaged in "gay rape," which means, in street parlance, "They be gay." I don't think much bending over backwards (no pun intended) for these guys is in order...if you know what I mean.
P.S. I still don't get where you thought you saw a quote about "paying to see people tortured and brutally murdered."
Perhaps you can't find it either???
Umm Sir,
There was no mention about the horrible mention that they did to the guy in any of the local news sites. Just curious where did you get the info. I am asking cause reading abt it almost made me puke. I just hope the part abt cutting off his umm..member is not true. It is too horrific to contemplate.
Why am I not surprised that our liberal media refused to report this crime? My gratitude goes out to you and I have quoted you and provided a link back. I felt it was very important to report this as well and spread the word about what really goes on in the streets of America. Thank you and God bless you for your work.
"There was no mention about the horrible mention that they did to the guy in any of the local news sites. Just curious where did you get the info. I am asking cause reading abt it almost made me puke. I just hope the part abt cutting off his umm..member is not true. It is too horrific to contemplate." (Anon)
I agree that it IS too horrific to contemplate.
The news accounts that I've read have only spoken of finding Chris Newsom's burned corpse, with bullet wounds and that four of the five suspects listed were charged with 20 counts of aggravated rape on BOTH Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - so both victims were raped/sodomized.
It was a police account in an online blog that mentioned the mutilations of both victims (possibly post-mortem, though with Newsom's body being set on fire, that was probably less likely in that case). The report, I copied part of here in the comments section mentions the cleaning substance sprayed into Channon Christian's mouth before she died - "They forced her mouth open and sprayed some type of household cleaner inside in an apparent attempt to wipe out any DNA their acts may have left."
I've emailed one of the reporters and was told (1) the crime has not, as of yet, been labeled a "hate crime," and that there are almost fifty pages of details, some of which are deemed "too sensational" to be released to the public.
I asked who deemed them "too sensational" - no answer.
The state of TN has asked that the federal car-jacking charges be dropped, so that they could proceed with the more serious double-murder, and multiple rape charges.
That reporter also said that the authorities were (and many still are) considering the crime "a car-jacking gone bad," and not a deliberate racial killing. I don't know how they'd have come to that assessment, because I believe that it's obvious that race played a major part in this crime, just as it did the James Byrd killing.
I know that this was a sensationalized crime and that the racial implications even make it more so, but the problem I have with BOTH the reporting on such crimes and the assessment of such crimes by the authorities is the blatant double standard.
Why are horrific white-on-black murders grist for the mill, when these kinds of crimes are not?
Why is it that virtually every white-on-black crime is automatically labeled a "bias" or "hate crime," while the vast majority of black-on-white crimes are not?
These thugs DON'T represent the black race any more than Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy represented the white race.
The differnce right now is that the Ted Bundy's and the Dahmer's are rightfully dragged into the light of day, their unspeakable crimes on display for all to see.
Why are the same reporters and the same authorities silent when the savages aren't white?
That is my primary point in having highlighted this act, something I couldn't have done without PMc having steered me to this story.
I will continue to emali the reporter who answered my erlier questions and will update this story and add any corrections where necessary....if that police blog is wrong on some of the details, I'll acknowledge that and if some of the suspects in this case are exonerated I'll update on that as well.
Amy I appreciate the trackback and will continue to try and gather more information on this crime.
I don't believe this was "a car-jacking gone wrong."
It may well have started as a car-jacking, but it apparently very quickly escalated to something far worse - 20 charges of aggravated rape against both Channon Christian & Chris, three counts of premeditated double murder and one count of premeditated murder against Ms Christian alone (Vanessa Coleman) and numerous other charges.
Newsom's body was burned and wrapped in a sheet or comforter and left near a railroad tracks within sight of Letalvis Davidson's Chipman Street apartment, while Christian's body was found in a large trash can inside of Davidson's apartment.
JMK, I can appreciate that the details that have been released are horrific, however, I am looking for specific corroboration of the details of the mutilation charges.
That is, the claims that the perms cut off the male victim's penis and cut off the female victim's breasts, either before or after death.
You might be interested in this movie.
It's from 1966 but is fairly prescient.
In my experience with the black species, I have come to the realization that THEY are far more racist than White people.
I remember when I was back in high school, the little gorillas would run around picking on White kids, getting there "gangs" to jump random White kids for no reason, and openly shout "cracker", "honky" and other racial slurs and comments against Whites.
One time in the lunch room I was walking to throw away my trash when a dirty little "gangsta" wasn't paying attention and bump right into me. (note: the principal and vice principle were standing four feet away, the lunch room was almost empty. and comments made were not said quietly) With no hesitation he proclaimed in rough English "watch wheres you going you pasty bitch" so, I told that little monkey that he better watch his dirty n***** mouth. But, I got reprimanded and nothing happened to him.
recalling another situation, I remember seeing a hand full of blacks wearing martin luther king sirts and malcolm x shirts generally with a quote of the black pride icons. They were obviously trying to show their black pride. Well I had purchased a shirt that depicted Odin's Cross, an ancient and historical symbol of the White race and wrapped around Odin's Cross the words "White PRIDE World Wide" one week during my senior year. So, I decided, that if they could show their black pride there would be no issue when I showed mine. Guess what? I get reprimanded again. I had to go to the counselor twice a week for the rest of the year.
In relation to this horrible hate crime, those dirty n*****s should be put to death. All of them. Absolutely disgusting. I do not care. They horribly took two lives, torture, rape, murder. Death to those dirty muds. No exceptions.
I read about this on another web sight and thought,this can't be true. So I typed the names of the victims into my search engine.
I found several articles,most of which were vague.
It amazes me that anyone could do such a thing to any other person. The death penalty is the only just sentence for the perpetraters of this crime.
Why this Crime has not reached the national news media is beyond me. I guess it would not help the neocons promote the "Hate Crimes Bill" which is supposed to protect minorities.
If our government was truly for the people,race would not be an issue, and all people would be judged equally in the eyes of the law.
My heart goes out to the victims families.I hope they find peace and justice.
"If our government was truly for the people, race would not be an issue, and all people would be judged equally in the eyes of the law." Dr. Blumers
100% right on the money!
I really don't understand the MSM's double standard on reporting such crimes. When a group of whites commits a race-based atrocity, it's front page news for weeks, so it's not as though they truly worry about stoking racial passions, as any such crime would do that.
Perhaps they suppose either (1) black racial hatred and resentment should be stoked, or (2) that black racial resentment doesn't matter.
In either case, there would seem to be an agenda in play and it certainlyu seems to have a very strong racial component to it.
As I said, I feel that ALL such crimes should be highlighted because they show (1) the depths of depravity humans are capable of and that's important for people to recognize and (2) the dysgenic effects of such violent crimes - almost always the victims are productive members of society and the perpetrators are among the least productive, and least capable members of society.
Well, its not the first time that someone has raised the issue of the crime statistics.
One should recognize that the argument made, that blacks commit more "hate crimes" than whites, has a serious flaw in it.
Whites outnumber blacks in the population. For the sake of argument lets make it by a factor of 70% to 10% and ignore everyone else (hispanics, asians etc.)
So for every white there is one black and for every black there are 7 whites.
That means that when a criminal, either black or white, picks a victim the chances are 7-1 that his victim will be white. Thus both white and black criminals will have predominatly white victims.
That, coupled with disparities in income and social class (which are strong predictors of criminality), is sufficient to explain all the numbers presented with such breathless surprise.
In others words, it ain't true.
I pretty much just wanted to say like one or two things. All media serves one greater purpose: the majority--meaning they will publish/cover stories that the majority of americans(whites per race). I mean honestly, when was the last time you saw a black person on the news as a VICTIM of a crime? Sure the duke lacrosse thing may be one example...but i think that was more so a product of the system--A D.A. trying to get publicity/fame that ultimately backfired(that shit happens). Besides thats, look back at all the recent popular murder cases: Terry Schiavo, Laci Peterson, Anna Nicole Smith, That girl the aruba(the college girl), Colton Potonyak(the texas undergrad that got high on coke and went on a killing spree) So this whole thing about the media going after white on black cirme is absurd. Fact of the matter is all crime is intraracial, including murder. Intraracial means within the same race black on black as opposed to white on native american, etc.
Hi I saw your site listed on www.vnnforum.com - vanguardnewsnetwork. They are planning a protest march about what happened to Chris and Channon and so many other white victims of black crime, who the media deliberately ignores. Please read more about it, it's scheduled for May. Thank You.
"Well, its not the first time that someone has raised the issue of the crime statistics.
"One should recognize that the argument made, that blacks commit more "hate crimes" than whites, has a serious flaw in it.
"Whites outnumber blacks in the population. For the sake of argument lets make it by a factor of 70% to 10% and ignore everyone else (hispanics, asians etc.)...
"...In others words, it ain't true."
There’s very little correlation between “disparities in income and social class” and violent crime.
However, there is an almost one-to-one correlation with violent crime and low IQ.
Those are well documented facts.
Violent crime is rarely perpetrated for personal gain. It’s done out of anger, for revenge, but very rarely for immediate personal gain. In fact, most victims of violent muggings are less well-off than the muggers themselves.
We live in a highly self-segregated society. No one is forced to live with people like themselves, but most people prefer to live among those who look like themselves.
Therefore, criminals, like all of us, tend to have far easier access to those of their own race, and must specifically choose victims of another race.
When it comes to murder, the stats are even more startling. While black victims are killed by white murderers about 2% of the time, almost 14% of white murder victims are murdered by blacks, a difference of a factor of SEVEN TIMES. This clearly indicates a deliberate and calculating choice on the part of many black thugs, as difficult as such a deliberate choice is to understand.
Given that whites outnumber blacks in the overall population by a wide margin (70% to 12%) belies the stats;
Murder charges in U.S.:
White: 42% (2/5 its pop fraction)
Black: 50% (4.2x its pop fraction)
Asian: 2.4% (1/2 its pop fraction)
Rape charges in U.S.:
White: 63% (0.9X its pop fraction)
Black: 35% (3x its pop fraction)
Asian: 1.4% (1/3 its pop fraction)
Burglary charges in U.S.:
White: 70% (= its pop fraction)
Black: 28% (2.4x its pop fraction)
Asian: 01% (1/4 its pop fraction)
Actual crime stats don’t lie, blacks commit violent crimes far out of proportion to their numbers in society, primarily because there is a greater percentage of low IQ blacks, just as Asians commit less violent crimes than whites because there are far more low IQ whites than Asians.
"Besides that, look back at all the recent popular murder cases: Terry Schiavo, Laci Peterson, Anna Nicole Smith, That girl the aruba(the college girl), Colton Potonyak (the texas undergrad that got high on coke and went on a killing spree) So this whole thing about the media going after white on black cirme is absurd. Fact of the matter is all crime is intraracial, including murder. Intraracial means within the same race black on black as opposed to white on native american, etc."
Well, you’re completely wrong on the MSM focus on white on black crime.
For starters another prominent example was the James Byrd killing.
And you have to remember that white on black felonies are very rare.
ALL crime is NOT “intra-racial” (WITHIN the same race), as ANY inter-racial crime would prove that assertion wrong and thus the fact that according to the latest US Department of Justice survey of crime victims, more than 6.6 million violent crimes (murder, rape, assault and robbery) are committed in the US each year, of which about 20 per cent, or 1.3 million, are inter-racial crimes, proves that there is a significant amount of inter-racial crime and thus “all crime is NOT intr-racial.”
Jews are 3% of the population and yet they own about 85% of all media. They hate gentile whites. You do the math.
I think this is a horrific crime, and I hope they all receive the death penalty if convicted.
My issue is that there is nothing in this story that indicates it was racially motivated.
The Duke case was the same, so there is absurdity in both cases. What is sad is that the people who were demonizing the Duke students have not apologized to my knowledge. Nancy Grace, Al Sharpton and others should be ashamed.
Well why don't we just round up all the coloreds and shoot em?
This article is extremely racist. People do fucked up shit all the time, and to focus on the race of the people instead of the people themselves is a terrible thing to do.
Blacks happen to be a very discriminated against group in this country, which fosters alot of hate, violence, an squalor among other things for them. You'd be pissed off too if your ancestors were enslaved and tortured by a group of people. I'm not saying this validates what they did, I'm just saying that we as white people sometimes (if not always) forget that blacks had it pretty freakin bad then and they still do now.
Reporting this in the media would be a terrible thing. It would perpetuate the negative image of the "black male," increasing hate and racism among the populace. This coincides with why the Duke case was more covered, white America cares more about thier own race and the bad things they do instead of the "black man" and all the terrible things he does all the time.
Those statistics are bullshit. I could bring up statistics that there are more blacks in jail than whites, so that would correlate with more murders among blacks, which would broaden the percentage of people who blacks attack, increasing the percentage of whites attacked. Like that one guy said, more whites means a higher chance of blacks attacking whites. I'm sure you'd be happy if they just kept killing eachother until they didn't exist anymore huh? I wonder how many of those whites who were attacked called the black person a n****r anyway.
To that one extremely racist girl who posted, I also went to a diverse high school, did not get beat up, had many black friends and had a good experience. If you would've ingnored the immaturity of some and not have responded with blatant hate speech of course you would'nt have gotten in trouble. If I saw you walking around school and new your racist motives and shitty attitude I would've called you a pasty bitch in a second. But that would'nt have been racist because I'm white, right? You have it fucking easy compared to them and the shit they have to go through every day. And you complain when you get a taste of what they have had for centuries. "the black species..." fucking taking your bad experience and applying it to every black person.
JMK, take your blatant sterotypical conservative racism bullshit elsewhere.
Hey Conservative Blogger. Good blog! I don't always agree with what you have to say (I'm somewhat further to the ... uh ... left) but you make good arguments, and as a native of NYC I believe any uniformed services member deserves attention.
That said, there's an angle I think is missing on the heinous Knoxville murders - not inspiring copycats. In LA, for instance, the media long ago stopped reporting random freeway shooting because when some scumbag fired a highpowered rifle at passing traffic and made headlines they would notice a big spike in copycats. They stopped giving these idiots their headlines and the copycat spikes stopped.
The minus involved in a serious focus on this rape / torture nightmare is some low IQ driven even lower by a life of crime might think: 'oh, so we don't just carjack now' and more uglyness ensues.
Unlike many of my progressive and liberal brethren (yes I'll wear the 'L') I think the black community has to take responsability for this self perpetuating cycle of crime and stop playing the 'victim' card at every turn. However, they can't, for reason of economics and hopelessness, do it alone.
While I would never condon censoring rap or any other speech, I don't have to buy the CDs. Imus is still rich and getting a nice little media bubble. Sharpton's probably still wearing a wire.
Lots of good info here BUT
Linking IQ to Race and Crime...Really?
I don't think that's a road worth going down. DO YOU THINK THIS CHO guy at Va. Tech had a low IQ?
Stats and your 'personal finding' might add up in your mind BUT
Does low IQ follow crime rates in many cases YES/NO?
Crimes of this nature can be tied to so many factors to single out LOW IQ as the cause is just taking a single minded and short sighted view I think.
THAT SAID >>> I think it's good you've help bring this to light to many...I didn't know of this case.
HATE VS HATE and nobody wins that's the real message here...Sell ticket to these 5 death NO Put them to death...without a question.
WE AS A PEOPLE must always stand for what we want for our nation. Law and order YES eye for and eye that went out about 2,000 years ago.
I've started a blogger as well but I've never written as much as I have here... You running a good one here JMK keep up the good work.
"I think this is a horrific crime, and I hope they all receive the death penalty if convicted.
"My issue is that there is nothing in this story that indicates it was racially motivated." (Anonymous)
Well, it's being looked as a federal crime, so the death penalty is in play here.
I believe it's also being investigated as a "hate crime," a designation I don't like.
In my view, the CRIME, should be punished NOT the motivation.
The big difference between this crime and the Duke hoax is, of course, that THIS crime actually happened, while the Duke charges appear and have been declared false, by the NC DA.
Wrong on EVERY single point Matt!
The U.S. government has actually endorsed "discriminating" IN FAVOR of blacks with its three decades of support, until relatively recently, of affirmative action.
That's why such crimes by blacks, directed against whites is so puzzling - it seems to be "the rage of a privileged class."
Most groups that came to America were discriminated against - the Irish, Jews, Italians, etc.
During the Civil War one of the reason crowds of Irish burned down black orphanages and hung hundreds of blacks from lamp posts in Manhattan, was because there was a sizable community of well-off, free blacks in New York who did what all wealthy people did - bought their sons out of the Civil War for the princely sum (back then) of $500.
As you might say, while THAT doesn't justify the Irish rage against blacks, I guess, in your overly sympathetic view, it would "explain it."
I wonder how many of those blacks killed by those rioting Celtic mobs called them "Micks" or "Donkeys." (Yeah, right)
Put away your simplistic and misguided sympathies, Matt.
There's no place for "trying to understand why predators do what they do," or "having compassion for violent thugs, as they must have suffered too," around here.
Our sympathy is reserved for the victims.
The scum who committed these Knoxville murders are as bad, if not worse, than the mutts who committed the James Byrd murder.
You know what I call people (white, black or whatever) filled with guilt and compassion for "poorer criminals" - I call'em pussies...and yeah, I'll back that up any time.
Stop feeling sorry for dumb thugs who perpetrate horrific acts.
Most whites DON'T care more about, or feel worse about white thugs....guilt ridden losers do.
Come on Matt, don't be a loser.
Come to the light and stop feeling sorry for vile, hate-filled thugs because you "feeeeel" they had it rough.
Your feelings aren't based in reality.
If anything, those no-work, dumb as stumps mutha-f*ckers had it too damned easy!
"Lots of good info here BUT
"Linking IQ to Race and Crime...Really?
I don't think that's a road worth going down. DO YOU THINK THIS CHO guy at Va. Tech had a low IQ?" (TexasMoney)
IQ certainly correlates with violent crime better than does RACE or Economic Status TM.
Dumb people generally have less impulse control.
The fact that well over 85% of those incarcerated are also functionally illiterate would seem to back up that correlation.
There well may be IQ differences among groups, but as I clearly noted, group differences are not valid in comparing INDIVIDUALS, though they may explain why there are more black violent offenders than white and more white violent offenders than Asian.
Now, I'm NOT saying low IQ is the ONLY factor in such crimes, not at all, but it correlates better than economic status does.
Most poor people are not violent.
Most low IQ people do have problems with impulse control and are thus more prone to violence.
Again, this is such a touchy subject that it's very difficult to even broach, but it's important to be honest about it.
The vast majority of people black, white and Asian are of average IQ.
The bell curve covers that in all groups - with appx 70% of each group within the "average" group and the differences coming mostly along the margins.
My wife is from Jamaica and she's incredibly intelligent. Ayann Hirsi Ali (the Somali woman who became a member of Parliment in the Netherlands) is certainly incredibly intelligent as well.
But I must look at the data objectively, there are some group differences (and group differences are NOT applicable to comparing INDIVIDUALS) acknowledge that just as there are more low IQ whites than Asians, there are more low IQ blacks then whites. Those differences seem to correlate to violent crime rates very closely.
I'm glad you're blogging (I WILL stop by) and I appreciate you taking the time to read and discuss this with me, in a reasonable way.
I thank you!
You know what, you're right. I see it now. Those black thugs are completely out of control. I should not feel a thing for them. I think I will vote republican from now on.
Lets hear some quotes from you Mr. JMK!
"Well, as a sterotypical white far right conservative, I have deep seeded hate for anything that threatens me, including blacks, jews, and other groups that came to this country and made it worse. That is why in my blogs I garner so much support from racists, anti-semitists, and other hate groups."(JMK)
"The media is so unfair with these murders. I want to see white people getting killed by black people on TV more often."(JMK)
"I am the equivalent of a Jahovah's witness. Except, instead of pushing my religion on people by knocking on their doors, I push extreme conservative views by blogging on the internet. I can use my respected position as a firefighter and a middle class person to validate everything I say."(JMK)
"I bring up 'undeniable' FACTS that can't be argued with. All the FACTS that I say of course include cause and motive for what they mean, and cannot be debated whatsoever. Correllation does imply causation didn't you know?" (JMK)
I never said I was having compassion for the people who committed these crimes. I agree that it was bad and they should be punished. But you, sir, are completely wrong in your views. Me being "overly sympathetic." More like I'm not blinded by my right wing beliefs that I have grown up with.
You know who you are? You're the father of Ed Norton in Ameican History X. Exactly. Not overtly racist, but becoming very upset when blacks are put above whites somehow. Boy I hope you don't have kids... I would not be surprised if they were curb stomping blacks after you somehow die because of black person.
Don't fucking call me a loser because I have compassion and sympathy for those who never get it.
> was because there was a sizable community of well-off, free blacks in New York who did what all wealthy people did - bought their sons out of the Civil War for the princely sum (back then) of $500.
Source? ...
Matt, you have a right to be wrong and on this issue, you haven't made a single correct statement.
Most blacks today are working and middle class.
There is actual (officially sanctioned) discrimination IN FAVOR of blacks (called affirmative action), that is government sanctioned as opposed to, say the individual "discrimination" of so-called Liberals, many of whom would not live near, nor sell their homes to blacks....I've seen that act hundreds of times.
Poverty isn't thrust upon people.
It's caused by individual action. Reckless and irresponsible actions lead to poverty. Doing drugs, excessive drinking, violent behavior, dropping out of HS, having children out of wedlock are behaviors that impoverish a person.
Real compassion is called "tough love," where one expects the other person to "clean up their act," before they can be brought back into the fold.
There is no current day excuse for the disproportionate black on white crime (while 48% of white murder victims are killed by blacks, some 7% of black victims are killed by whites...a factor of about 7X), it would seem to be "the rage of a privileged class."
That's why it doesn't make any sense.
> was because there was a sizable community of well-off, free blacks in New York who did what all wealthy people did - bought their sons out of the Civil War for the princely sum (back then) of $500.
At best misinformation and at worst a racist lie. The conscription act did not include blacks as they weren't considered citizens.
Chances are you won't post this.
My points on that incident are absolutely true.
Freed blacks were certainly "citizens" in the north and many blacks fought in the Civil War on BOTH sides.
Many blacks fought for the South and many others fought for the north.
The draft riots were indeed spurred on by the view that this was "a rich man's war and a por man's fight," a perception made worse, in the eyes of many poorer immigrants, by well-off freed blacks doing waht all well-off people did - putting up the $300 (actually it was $300 not $500) "commutation fee."
But that your fascination with this part of American history can best be quenched by reading about it;
The Armies of the Streets; the New York City draft riots of 1863.
by Adrian Cook
Language: English Type: Book
Publisher: [Lexington] University Press of Kentucky [1974]
ISBN: 0813112982 9780813112985 | OCLC: 873815 | Cite this Item
The Devil's Own Work : The Civil War Draft Riots of 1863
by Barnet Schecter - Paperback (St Martins Pr; Jan 16 2007)
are two good works on that event.
Again, the problem here is your misplaced sympathies. It's flat out wrong for anyone to want to seek to understand the "root causes" of such crimes, or to believe that "empathy for the perpetrators is in order, since they too are victims."
Those are disgusting views that rationalize and tacitly approve of such acts. The "root causes" are generally the same in all senseless murders across the board - maladjusted, nihilists, usually lacking the requisite skill sets to attain the position they feel they warrant in life.
Again, I don't know why anyone would sympathize with what amounts to a "rage of a privileged class."
Leaving your strawman behind as it doesn't make much sense.
You seem to be implying that by questioning a suspect historical point I am sympthetic to a bunch of modern day murderers. That's just weird.
While the rest of your points about the draft riots are standard:
>by well-off freed blacks doing waht all well-off people did - putting up the $300 (actually it was $300 not $500) "commutation fee."
Where did you get this specific information?
They will all get their's in the end. What surprises me is that the white race in this country has become so bullshit liberally PC when it comes to this. We had it right historically. These bastard animals would be too afraid to even attempt this sort of crime. They deserve the highest punishment the court will allow, death.
The bottom line is that political correctness has run amok in this country and the color/manner in which the media covers stories (or if they cover them at all) is dictated by it.
We have a big problem when a guy like Imus says something stupid and it garners the attention it did, which was beyond huge, while something like this goes completely under the radar. The media cares not what the families want... all that matters to them is ratings etc, so the fact of the matter is that there was a conscious choice to skip this one.
We all know that had the races been reversed here there would not be a media outlet to pass it up (and rightfully so). On October 31, 2006 three white women were severely beaten by up to 35 black teenagers in Long Beach... and that too (while not as heinous as what happened to these poor souls) went almost completely under the radar. When the Los Angeles Times had pieces on it they were completely skewed in favor of the "poor" defendants. We all know there is a terrible double standard here.
Lastly I'd like to say how absurd hate crimes are to begin with. Someone's thoughts should never come into play when that person is being punished. If you shoot someone you should be given the appropriate sentence for attempted murder and everything else that is relevant. I know most of us have forgotten, but this is the United States of America, and in this country you can say what you like about anyone (regardless how rude or obscene) and you can hate whomever you like for any reason you choose. WE SHOULD NEVER POLICE THOUGHT... EVER!!!
Lastly... I would like to send my thoughts and condolences to the families and my prayers to the victims. These five people will never truly get what they deserve but I hope that throw the book and everything else at them.
"And when the ordeal was through, she was bagged and put inside a trashcan. Authorities won't say if she was alive or dead by that point.
Just to let everyone know, the official cause of death for the young girl was asphyxiation. The thinking is it was caused from being place in the trash can with her head between her legs as if she was standing up. Not trying to get get graphic, but people need to know how barbaric this really was.
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